Chapter Thirteen: With the Enemy

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Rhett's POV-

I wake up with a blinding headache. I'm not sure what position I'm even in, but from how bad my back aches, I can only guess that I am sitting in a chair of some sort.  Every limb in my body refuses to move, and I can't even form my lips into a word. I try to open my eyes, but I quickly shut them when they are met with a blinding white glare. I almost forget where I am, but memories flood back into my synapses. A sudden rage comes over me as I reflect. After a silent fight trying to get up, I realize that I am actually tied down at the wrists, elbows, waist, knees, and ankles. I force my eyes open, trying to push through the shocking pain. When I see where I am, I can feel my chest tighten and I have to catch my breath:

I am in a sterile looking white room. Alone. Everything is so bright, and looks as if to be covered in an even coat of glossy white paint. Bright florescent industrial looking lights line the ceiling and a far wall next to a  screen monitor of course, recording my every move. With how my reflection looks, I can only guess how many hours I haven't slept.  Next to me is a reflective stainless steel table with an array of syringes lining the table, along with metal and wire pieces that I can't place a possible use for. I can hear my ears ring and my heartbeat pounding in my ears. My throat is dry and tight, and my eyes burn from fatigue and adrenaline. I need to get out of here. But how?

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a horrified scream from the other side of the wall. Its familiarity makes tears well up in my eyes: Link? 

Link's POV-

I  am jolted awake. A scream of confusion and terror shatters through me when I feel four fingers stabbing into my arm to wake me. I force open my eyes. Everything seems off to me for some reason, but I soon remember why when I feel a jolt of pain sprout form the side of my neck. I look to see who had awoken me, to find Marcus himself staring into my eyes intently. I begin to grow nervous when he talks into a mic recorder on his watch: "They are both awake. We may begin."

"B-begin what?" I stammer. My tired muscles lazily moving my mouth to talk. He snickers and twists a strand of wiry grey hair sprouting from the side of his head, "You will soon see. it shouldn't be that  difficult to endure." He turn around slowly and walks toward a white door on the opposite wall. Everything is so...white. The light refracts painfully into my retinas. I can only guess what said "it" is. 

I close my eyes and try to calm my breathing. My limbs are tied to a white metal chair, and I can feel the nylon straps dig into my skin. Just breathe Neal. It'll all be okay...

Stevie's POV-

Apparently we, Mike and Alex and I, are not the one's that this guy wants. We all wake up from our chemical-induced sleep at around the same time. Our captors had throw us into this little room. Untied, and undrugged. (Kind of)...

Mike and I felt pretty okay, with just a headache and a couple of impact bruised from being dragged into yet another "holding cell" of sorts, as Marcus likes to call it. Alex is the concern here though. He had a significant bruise on his forehead, and he was significantly pale. After a few questions, and crude sight tests I came to the conclusion that he had a slight, if any, concussion. For the most part, we are still in one piece. I decide to make my way towards he door to see if we were being guarded. Not locked. Why? 

I am met face-to-face with a familiar looking guy in a black leather jacket and over sized sunglasses. This guy has pushed me around before. I scoff. I am ready to just get over with this while fiasco and leave. If that ever happens, I'll never complain again. 

"Well, just in time." he grunts under his breath in a Brooklyn accent that I almost hate, "The boss sent me, we have to go."

I glance back over my shoulder and look back at Mike. He raises his eyebrows at me in reassurance. Alex looks up from the floor and smiles faintly at me in support. Before I can say anything, I am dragged by the arm down a long hall to an elevator to the sub-basement, to a large control room. I can only guess...

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