Chapter 2

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After years of admiration, bordering on obsession, Erik was finally meeting his hero! The other mutants made room for her as she walked towards him, seemingly in slow motion, although some part of Erik's brain did consider the possibility that Erik was simply imagining it that way and she just walked towards him in regular speed. He swallowed.

"Raven, this is Erik Lehnsherr. Our new mailman."

"Nice!" Mystique grinned at him and winked. "Welcome to the team!"

"Pleasure it for me is." Erik stuttered, biting the inside of his mouth and cursing himself for being so stupid!

Mystique chuckled brightly. "That's a great Yoda expression!" she said, giving him a tap on the shoulder.

He suppressed the part of his mind that went OMG Mystique just tapped my shoulder! and tried to look respectable.

"You're fun, Erik. Come, don't be scared. I don't bite unless you're an anti-mutant racist bastard."

"No." he grinned. "I'm not."

"You're cool then. Come with me. I'll give you the tour."

Mystique was giving him the tour!!! Erik walk hurriedly next to her.

"Our organization is called The Mystique Bunch, as you know, but some boring individuals still call it the Xavier Company. They say The Mystique Bunch doesn't sound mature enough. Idiots."

"The Mystique Bunch sounds rad." Erik agreed.

Raven smiled at him. "Thank you! Exactly! That's what I've been trying to tell everyone too. And it shows our character."

"And how you don't let stupid boundaries limit you."

"Yes." Her smile grew warmer as she nodded approvingly. "You get us."

They kept walking, her pointing at different people every now and then and throwing a bunch of names at him. As they talked Erik realized that he and Mystique, or Raven as the others called her, were actually getting along pretty well. Some say don't meet your idols, you will be disappointed. But Erik was not disappointed in Raven at all. She was all he expected her to be. At least for these almost two hours they spent together.

Raven chuckled. "You know, I like you, Erik. I don't usually greet all our mailboys so extensively. But you're different, I can tell. I think you could be really good for this place."

"I intend to be." Erik said firmly. He got a job at The Mystique Bunch! If he wanted to change the world, that's where to start making a difference! By Raven's side, surrounded with like-minded fellow mutants. Erik finally felt like he belonged. And it showed in his behavior. Of course he'd do the best he could to be of help to this place too!

They were back where they started with their tour and Raven called the Mutant Resources lady again.

"Theresa, you need to hire a new mailman. Erik's gonna be my personal assistant, starting tomorrow."

Erik's face lit up. Dreams do come true!


Raven explained to him his responsibilities and gave him a few quick knacks which Erik took in like a sponge.

"You have a place to live?" she asked and he shook his head. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go get yourself ready. I'll tell Jubilee to help you look for something. We have nice flats in the area, too, in case you're interested. People who support our causes and would go easy on the rent. Call it a discount for being a mutant brother."

"That's amazing! I didn't know you were helping mutants find homes too."

"Well, it was my brother's idea back when he-- We don't really make it that public but we do have lots of priorities, even if they don't all end up in the papers. After all, we're here mostly to help our mutant brothers and sisters, not just for publicity."

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