Chapter 17

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Charles and Erik actually saw each other on Erik's 16th birthday. Erik had specially invited him to come over for the occasion to celebrate. He promised his mother would be at home too so Charles had no reason to feel agitated or nervous about anything. And at the same time they could spend some time together and actually talk face to face, something they both missed.

Charles agreed to it, the decision rather easier to make than either of them expected. He also decided to take the serum that day so that he could walk and not make Erik and his mother uncomfortable that their home was not wheelchair accessible. Apart from a few isolated occasions, Charles hadn't used the serum after Erik left.

But now it was Erik's sweet 16! A big occasion! A special birthday! Charles had been picking the perfect present for Erik for weeks now so the prospect of seeing him in person was exciting and terrifying at the same time. Charles' head was buzzing with questions: What if Erik didn't like his gift and Charles read the disappointment on his face? Had Erik changed a lot? Would he look older by now? Would Charles feel awkward seeing him?

He realized he was letting anxiety take over so he tried to shake it off and relax. Naturally, that made no difference whatsoever to his mind and he kept being anxious till the moment he rang the doorbell to Erik's childhood home.

He heard the door unlock almost instantly, which made him think Erik probably used his power to do it. The thought brought a fond smile to Charles' face.

The door swung open and Charles' breath caught. Erik was-- Erik had definitely grown. Taller than before, the skinny boyish forms from last year replaced by well-defined curves; his face was not like a kid's anymore either but more like the face of the man Charles used to know.

For a moment Charles couldn't register anything, just standing dumbly on the top step at the front door and staring as he clutched the gift in his hands. Then noises and laughter pulled him out of his stupor.

"Oh." he heard himself say. "I thought I came before everyone."

Erik chuckled, glancing behind himself at his friends in the distance. His young friends. His age-appropriate friends. Charles' smile wavered slightly.

"You didn't." Erik grinned. "Apparently all my friends decided to come before everyone else so they could help with preparations so now basically everybody's just early."

"Ah! Yes." Charles chuckled.

"Azazel and Marie are already here, so are Janus, John and Angel. The rest will be here shortly."

"Well, have a nice party then. Oh, and happy birthday! Here's your gift. I hope you like it..."

Erik opened it and gasped. "Charles! It's perfect! Thank you!"

He gave Charles a little one-armed hug and beamed at him.

"Well, I'll be off then." Charles then said, smiling and jerking his thumb towards his car, parked before the house.

"Nonsense! You must stay!" Erik insisted, taking him by the hand. "Come on! You're my guest, after all. I waited for this!"

With a bit of hesitation Charles let Erik drag him inside. It was a birthday party after all. What was the worst that could happen?

Charles heard the door close behind them and he was officially inside Erik's home.

"Everybody, this is Charles. Charles, the guys and gals." Erik said. "I'll go show mama the present. You all get to know one another." he smiled and disappeared off to somewhere, Charles' eyes following him longingly as he dreaded the idea of being left alone with Erik's friends.

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