Chapter 4

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Charles sent a car to pick up Erik for their movie night. Erik had stayed over with Azazel before. They used to play games and sometimes watch action movies, or pretending they were fighting for mutant rights. Of course that had always happened with Erik's one and only friend back at home. It was weird for him to now have another friend to watch movies with. But he loved spending time with Charles so he was pleasantly excited about it.

Charles opened the door with that same charming smile on his face that made him look adorable and dorky at the same time.

"You came!" Charles beamed and then added with a wink. "Hopefully not the only time this evening."

It was a joke. Haha. Erik was embarrassed.

"Sorry, that was too forward of me. I'm just-- a bit nervous..." Charles confessed, taking Erik's coat and hanging it. "Feel yourself at home! The TV's in the living room which is straight ahead. I'll bring food."

"Okay. Thank you." Erik said, suddenly feeling awkward. Charles chuckled at his reaction, probably unused to Erik thanking him about something.

Erik stepped inside the living room. Charles had a spacy flat. It was bigger than Erik's but it had less fun toys in it. The TV was really cool though! And there were books all over the place. Old, thick and heavy ones. The kind of books that used to gather tons of dust in the school library. It wasn't the sort of flat where one could jump on trampoline but it was Charles' and it had that cozy homey feeling about it which Erik liked.

Erik sat down on the couch in front of the TV, hands on his knees, back straight as an arrow. He was not sure what to do or how to behave and it was annoying because he had no idea why exactly he was nervous. Social situations had always made him nervous -- he didn't know what to do and craved the familiarity of a good mutant politics discussions -- but he's rarely felt awkward around Charles before. What was so different about tonight?

Charles showed up with a tray of food and popcorn.

"I'm a terrible cook but a really devoted shopper." Charles said as he put the tray on the table in front of the couch. "So this is something I bought. Please, admire my taste."

Erik chuckled. "You're funny." he said.

Charles chuckled too. "You're so polite with me this evening."

"I dunno why. Must be your home." Erik muttered with a shrug.

Charles sat down next to him, all flushed and smiling. There was a short silence that made Erik even more awkward.

"Soooo, where's the movie?" Erik asked.

"Right. Yes. The movie. The reason we're both here. Well, the reason you're here. I'm here because I live here." Another nervous chuckle. Charles was blabbering now. It was cute.

"Are you alright?" Erik asked, feeling like his own unexplained anxiety was leaving him at the sight of Charles'.

"I'm fine, I'm just... just... Ugh." Charles groaned, covering his face with his palms. "I'm sorry, Erik. I'm not usually so clumsy and-- It's just that I've, well, after the accident I haven't-- y'know."

He was looking at Erik again, waiting for him to say Yes, of course I totally understand. But Erik was frowning back, not quite following what Charles wanted to say exactly.

"I haven't done this after the accident." Charles explained, making a face and nodding. "Nerves, I guess. I just sort of shut myself out and avoided-- it. You understand."

Erik supposed he understood... "So you haven't had friends over since your accident." he said. It was not formed as a question but it totally was one.

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