Chapter 11

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Charles was staring at the clock on the wall. He was biting his lips nervously. Half past 3 in the morning and no sign of Erik. He couldn't help worrying. Like a father waiting for his teen to return when it's past curfew. He laughed bitterly. More like a jealousy heartbroken lover hoping the man he loves isn't betraying him. He tried to shake off those inappropriate thoughts and concentrated on the clock once more.

3:34 am.

His mind was tormenting him, repeating the same questions over and over again. What was Erik doing at this moment? Was he alright? Was he just dancing innocently and enjoying his time with their friends? Or was he in some stranger's arms? Was he mugged? Was he being raped?

"Of course, you'd know that if you went there with him!" he scolded himself angrily.

Did Charles regret his stubbornness to not go to the party? Yes and no. He couldn't accept attending the party to feel like Erik's nanny, but on the other hand the uncertainty in his current situation was killing him. It was a double edged sword: if he went to the party with Erik he'd suffer, if he stayed away from Erik he'd suffer as well. Either ways there was suffering and Charles was so exhausted from being hurt.

Perhaps there was nothing to worry about, he tried to convince himself. Perhaps he was overreacting and Erik was perfectly fine now. Perhaps Erik just went home to his own flat after the party and everything was alright. Although admittedly Charles' flat was much closer to the club than Erik's. Unless they went to another club after that. Raven would do that sometimes. She called it 'a club takeover' in the past.

Charles was clenching his phone in his hands. The few texts he sent to Raven were still unanswered, so were the missed calls. It was loud in the club, Raven probably didn't even hear her phone. Charles' finger hoovered over Erik's name again but he managed to restrain himself from pressing call. He just wanted to be sure Erik was alright, but at the same time he didn't want Erik to know he was worrying so much. Furthermore, he wasn't sure he wanted to know what exactly Erik was doing right now. Or who...

What if Erik went home with someone?, Charles' brian offered once again, making Charles finch. What if Erik had taken some stranger to his bed? That night he promised he wouldn't, he said he loved Charles and wouldn't. But after their last argument Charles wasn't sure if Erik hadn't changed his mind.

He exhaled loudly, running his fingers through his messy hair. He wished he could take control over his life but it was easier said than done. He texted Raven a few more times but again, no reply. Finally, finally, he decided to put his pride aside and text Erik. He didn't care if Erik found it intrusive, Charles had to know if Erik was alright.

Hi, Erik. It's late. Do you want me to come pick you up?

He read the message one more time. It sounded a bit too parental, maybe? Erik made his opinion of Charles' paternal instincts towards him quite clear yesterday. Charles hit send anyway.

Erik's reply came surprisingly quickly.

no need.

Charles' heart jumped in his chest. Erik had actually replied! Surely that's a good sign! He quickly typed,

Where are you? Is everything alright?

"Please tell me you haven't done anything stupid." Charles whispered to himself pleadingly as he sent the second text.

This time the reply took longer which only made Charles worry even more. He was already pacing nervously in the room, dressed and with his keys in his pocket, ready to go fetch Erik wherever he was.

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