Chapter 15

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During the debate Erik could feel himself coming to live. He was in his element. Arguing for a living and for a noble cause was a great experience. And being able to do this as himself, without pretending to be older or more important than he actually was, made things so much better. Each of his senses was alight with fire and heightened awareness, of conviction and resolution. He knew he was right and he knew what he was saying mattered. And soon the audience realized that very same thing too.

His opponents were caught by surprise by a teenager showing up on stage to debate with them. They approached him almost patronizingly at first but very soon Erik showed them not to overestimate him. By the middle of it they were all treating him like they would any adult opponent. They hated him with passion. His age no longer mattered and all they wanted was to hold their ground against his solid arguments, or to kick his mutant ass. They couldn't. Without losing his temper Erik managed to disprove each of their points and promote his own instead. Then he give suggestions as to what needed to be done in the future. It was by far his best and most enjoyable debate ever!

By the end of it he could feel true power -- all those people in the palm of his hand, listening to him, taking in his every word like a sponge, respecting his position. The atmosphere was charged with his effects on them, his influence over them. It was electrifying! All his life Erik wanted to be big so that his words could be heard and respected. He felt bigger now, at this moment when he stood there as the teen making his speech to the world, than he ever did before when wearing the mask of a grown-up. And then a realization hit him.

"To all my mutant brothers and sisters out there, I have one more thing to say." his voice was clear and calm, earnest and from the heart. "We want society to accept us but we cannot even accept ourselves. Learn to accept yourself the way you are, with all the things that make you different, strange and weird. The environment and the circumstances of our lives have a great influence too, of course. But true strength comes from within! Some answers have to come from inside each and every one of us. That is why each and every one of us should have the right to speak up and be heard. What we have in common unites us. And our differences make us individuals. We don't need to be sheep in a herd. We are individuals brought together by a common goal. And that common goal is the well-being of humanity, as a whole. Mutant, humans, animals, aliens, even. We all have rights. Our lives matter. Our feelings and our thoughts matter. We matter! It's time we acknowledge that!"

The audience burst into wild applause, some standing on their feet with tears in their eyes. Erik felt his heart beating so fast he could almost faint with it. And then the calming presence of Charles' mind was there, in his head, enwrapping him and spreading serenity inside him. At this moment Erik found it -- that point between rage and serenity that made his points so passionate and real. And when the debate was over, Erik felt peace.


Erik returned backstage and did his best to avoid the hoard of people who usually would ignore an opinionated teen but were now suddenly desperate to talk to him. He had no desire to converse with any of them.

"I don't suppose you can make them go away, can't you?" Erik sighed as he was hiding in one of the dressing rooms with Charles.

"No." Charles shook his head. "But I can make us go away."

Erik frowned in confusion.

A moment later they were out of the dressing room, walking casually down the corridors and towards Charles' car without anyone noticing them.

"Perception field." Charles explained. "They can only see what I let them see."

"Wow!" Was all Erik could say.

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