Chapter 6

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AN: Tw for dubious consent. Erik looks 30 and Charles thinks he's 30 but in his head he's technically still a teenager. Things are... complicated. Reminder, in the movie this wasn't a big issue but I always felt it was kind of inappropriate so I thought I should look into that side of the story here.


Erik cooked in Charles' kitchen with Charles basically just getting in the way. They both laughed about it and then they had dinner together. Charles couldn't stop praising the food and how delicious it all was and then he insisted on washing the dishes. Erik then had a very serious talk with him about his drinking and Charles promised not to relapse again.

Erik gave him a look. "Charles, I'm not an idiot. Don't make unrealistic promises. I know it's hard to fight an addiction."

"I'm not an addict." Charles insisted. "I'm not an alcoholic. I don't crave alcohol. I just-- find it hard to stop once I start drinking."

"So don't start."

Charles nodded. "I know I shouldn't. I'll try harder to fight it next time."

"I hope there won't be a next time. But if there is, I want to be by your side to make you stronger. You don't have to be alone in this."

They talked about it some more and then Charles offered Erik to stay over for the night since it was already way too late and none of them really wanted to be alone. Erik thought that was a really good plan and the two cuddled in Charles' bed until they both fell asleep. The world felt right again.


Erik woke up as the big spoon, his arms wrapped comfortably around a still sleeping Charles, his legs and torso pressed closely to Charles', his face was in Charles' hair. It was so very cozy and pleasant, so domestic, Erik couldn't help but grin. He was happy.

And then his grin froze on his face.

He swallowed nervously as he felt the heavy heat between his thighs.

He panicked! He couldn't get a hard-on now! What if Charles found out!? What would Charles think!? This was so embarrassing!

He carefully tried to untangle himself from Charles and slip out of bed but the movement created slight friction on his erect cock and he gasped. The feeling was so surprising that he couldn't help the moan that escaped him.

Charles stirred in his arms, his butt shifting and wiggling near Erik's erection as he made himself comfortable in Erik's embrace. This made it even worse!

Erik was dying here! He had to hide in the bathroom now ! Or else Charles would see and then--

Charles turned around with a smile on his still sleepy face. "Mmorning." he cooed, voice still heavy from sleep.

Erik swallowed. Maybe Charles hadn't noticed after all.

"Good morning." he replied, stiffly.

Charles reached out to wrap his arms around Erik's neck and pull Erik closer, throwing his leg over Erik to give him a full body embrace. Erik was even more stiff now.

"Um..." he swallowed again even though his mouth was dry.

Was Charles blind!? Did he really not feel Erik's quite prominent erection poking him when they were this close? Wasn't he bothered by it? Why was Erik the only one freaking out!?

Charles shoved his nose in the crook of Erik's neck and inhaled the scent there.

"Mmm, you smell magnificent." he whispered.

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