Chapter 10

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Erik woke up the next morning before Charles did, as usual. Charles was not a morning person like Erik, Charles liked sleeping in. Erik smiled, a wave of fondness rising in his chest at the sight of Charles sleeping peacefully next to him. They were still snuggled cozily, tangled together, their bodies intertwined. It was blissful. For a moment Erik allowed himself to imagine that things were still simple between them, that their love was not deemed wrong in Charles' eyes and they could just enjoy their happiness. The fact that he could feel Charles' morning erection poking at his thigh only added to the realism of his daydream. Erik allowed himself a few blissful minutes of fantasy, before he returned to reality. He knew he couldn't remain in bed and wait for Charles to wake up as he would like to. It'd only make things awkward between them again. And then Charles would feel terrible if he knew Erik noticed his arousal, as a result he would probably distance himself from Erik again. Erik couldn't risk that.

Carefully he shifted in Charles' greedy-octopus arms and slid out of the bed, mindful not to wake up the other man. He then went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When Charles emerged from the bedroom almost an hour later Erik grinned at him, glad that he took his time before starting the food preparations so that they could eat together.

"Erik, you shouldn't have." Charles smiled fondly at him.

Erik blushed, cheeks heating up as he caught himself wondering if Charles had touched himself thinking of Erik this morning or did he just patiently 'calmed himself down', so to speak. The image was too much so Erik did his best to quickly push all inappropriate thoughts at the back of mind and smiled at Charles in return.

"Morning, sleepyhead." he greeted.

"Morning." Charles sat down at the table. "This looks amazing, Erik, but you really shouldn't have bothered with breakfast."

"It's no bother at all. You know I like cooking." Erik said.

Charles chuckled. "Admit it, you were just afraid I'll burn the toast." he teased.

Erik pretended to give it some thought. "Maybe that did cross my mind."

"Dork!" Charles grinned and Erik couldn't help but beam back at him in return.

Charles was looking at him with such warmth, with so much affection in those gorgeous blue eyes of his, Erik felt like he was going to burst with joy. The moment was soon over, however, because of course it had to end. Charles suddenly straightened up in his chair and said, "Don't forget to eat your vegetables too."

Erik rolled his eyes, a little disappointed at this turn of events. "I made the breakfast. I know what to eat."

He rather enjoyed teasing Charles and joking with him. It sucked that Charles put an end to that so soon. They were silent for a moment before Charles continued being an old fart by bringing up the topic from last night.

"It'd be good if I start looking for Alzador today." he said, chewing. "I could hire someone. What do you think?"

Erik quieted down.

"If you're ready, of course." Charles added hastily. "You don't have to do that if you don't want to."

Erik frowned, thinking it over. "I know it's the right thing. This couldn't have gone on forever. I also know there are so many things that I would like to do now if I were 14 again." he gave Charles a look, a weak attempt at capturing the playfulness of the previous moments. "Although technically I'd be 15 very soon."

Charles chuckled, shaking his head. Erik grinned in return.

"I'm being serious, Erik." Charles said and Erik knew he had to eventually face the subject. He sucked in a deep breath.

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