Chapter 14

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They didn't really sleep that night. Neither of them could. Instead they hung out in the den together, watching old movies, having a laugh and chatting as they pretended it was just a normal night for them. It worked to calm their nerves a little bit. The transformation could take place at any time and they didn't want to miss it. Charles wanted to be there for Erik when it happened and Erik didn't want to be asleep again for it. So here they were now.

"Well, another end credits." Erik chuckled. "Now what?"

Charles lazily turned his head towards Erik, not bothering to lift it up from the back of the couch. "Mmm, we could play with that giant chess you once made." he suggested, hardly able to hold in his laughter.

"Very amusing." Erik rolled his eyes. "That giant chess was a piece of art! You're not supposed to play with it."

"A bit like you." Charles bit his lower lip, grinning.

"Shut up!" Erik grinned too, punching Charles' arm playfully. "I'm being serious here. We still have like 4 hours more to kill before morning."

"Yes. Well, maybe you should get some sleep then. You have a debate tomorrow, after all." Charles suggested.

Erik frowned slightly. "I'm not sure if I should go."

Charles lifted himself up a little, his eyebrows knitted. "Why is that?"

Erik fidgeted with his fingers awkwardly as he replied. "Well, Raven doesn't know about me and-- she's gonna freak out. Everyone is. I don't want to ruin our chances at the debate by showing up like a 14 year old boy."

Erik almost pouted once the words were out and Charles couldn't suppress his fond smile. Erik was adorable and his noble concern with everyone else and the cause was positively moving. But Charles didn't want him to worry.

"Erik, darling, you'll only make things better by showing up to the debate. You've prepared for this. The debate is possible now because of you. You deserve to be there and participate as much as anyone else in our group." Charles reassured. Maybe even more , he didn't add. "And don't worry about Raven," he continued, "I'll take care of Raven. You just go do your thing there, on stage." his thumb stroke gentle circles in Erik's hand, massaging it in soothing motions. He smiled at Erik, his expression a little dreamy. Erik swallowed. "You just be dashing, charismatic and clever like you always are." Charles said with a sigh. "Gorgeous and exceptional Erik."

Erik blushed only slightly. "Careful, Charles. You're flirting." he hummed.

Charles pulled his hand back to himself and ran his fingers through his face. "So I am." he groaned. "I'm sorry. I'm getting really sleepy and I don't know what I'm doing." his eyes met Erik's again, such longing in them. "And you're so gorgeous and right in front of me that I could just ..." he bit his lower lip, hard to prevent himself from saying more. "Maybe I should go to sleep."

"Nah, we're both fine." Erik grinned, giving Charles' knee a tap before remembering that Charles couldn't feel it now. He still hadn't taken his serum and his legs were currently numb. "Sorry, I didn't..."

"No, it's good. I'm--" Charles glanced down at his legs. "I'm getting used to it. I might try that. Not taking the serum. See how it goes. And this--" he tapped at his temple, "-- is not so bad either. I can feel like I'm helpful again."

"See? I knew you could do well without suppressants." Erik grinned proudly.

"Well, I'm not 100% sure yet. I'll keep the serum close by just in case."

"You do that. But don't feel like you're dependent on it. Because you're not." Erik said, assuredly.

"Thanks." Charles smiled.

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