All Nighter

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I had to go back to my childhood home in order to make this work.

It was a bit isolated from town and frankly that was for the better, I didn't want any of the townspeople to harass me or make Jihoon feel even more of an outsider.

The deal with the judge was that I was to report to him every 2 hours during the day and hope that I'd make it through the night to call him again in the morning.

Everything was fine except for the fact that Jihoon hadn't said a word to me these past 3 days. He was silent and it really bothered me.

He only ate, read his book and would go back to his room and stay there.

I'd check on him but he'd simply sit in a corner staring at the wall.

"Today you can't go to your room" I said.

He looked at me.

"We're going to go outside and sit on the swings for a bit. Enjoying the daylight and maybe even see the sunset, won't that be fun? We could have a picnic and just enjoy the outdoors" I said with a smile.

"For what?" He asked. "Is this some type of 'let me see what I can get him to say to me' thing? Because your methods are stupid. It isn't working and it won't work. Being a fake nice person won't get you anywhere with me"

"I see...well then you're free to go back to that place if you want. I'm really trying to get to know you but if you're not having it then there's the phone" I said as I got up and walked out the door.

I sat on the porch steps and felt frustrated...more than ever.

It was a strange feeling really...a sense of loneliness and rejection.

I can't make him do anything he doesn't want to do but I want him to at least try.

I'm not being fake or anything...

I truly wanted to help him but I can't help anyone whom doesn't want to be helped.

It's hard enough being here...nothing but bad memories.

I heard the door open. "Judge Matthews is on the phone"

I guess he decided to call it quits.

I grabbed the phone.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Faline, I'm going to be away for a week. You won't be able to contact me, would you like to bring him back until I get back to start your little project over again?" He asked.

"No. I know I'll be fine. You should t worry about a thing" I said.

"I'll send-"

"No. I have to do this on my own. This is important. In a week send someone to check on me, please" I said.

"Faline, Faline. Very well. You know what you're doing, you signed all the documents and therefore what you do is your business. Any bad decision is and will be your fault and the consequences will solely be for you" he said.

"I understand "

"Be careful. Please"

"I will your honor"


I set the phone down.

"Thank you..."

He sat beside me and sighed.

"I'm not used to this...that's all. Being in solitary confinement is what I knew. Time and space were nonexistent for a while. I know you're trying to help but in all honesty I am a lost cause." He said.

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