Chapter 2|Breaking The Ice

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Dedicated to Samantharuizn for the amazing and totally beautiful covers.
Second Chapter!! Enjoy!


After a long agonizing time, it's finally lunch. My second favourite period. The first has got to be English.

I walk into the hall and look around, taking a seat at mine and Dae's regular table.

" So, who's it going to be today?" Dae asks as she sits down beside me.

Since I had become school president last month, I had changed a few things around my school. Personally, I hate the whole concept of 'cliques'. I mean, it was okay to have preferred friends but, when it got to a point of hating other groups and types, I decided that a change was needed.

It was decided that specific tables for specific stereotypes were to be discouraged.
So, basically, if you walked into my school's lunch hall, you wouldn't see the regular ' Popular ' table that consisted of Jocks and Cheerleaders. Neither would you see a table full of shady looking stoner guys, not that we have any at my school. I think.

Even though my operation was well in function, Dae and I couldn't help but notice that there were still a few students who weren't comfortable in making friends or socializing at all. Hence, we decided that it would be nice to invite each of those students to sit at our table for a week.

I don't know if that made them feel welcome or uncomfortable but I hope it was the former.

"I'm waiting," Dae says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

" I really don't know. I think we covered everyone in the past month." I say, shoving some fries into my mouth.

"Hmm." She nods in agreement while sipping her apple juice.


" Daena! You better head over to practice or coach is gonna whoop your ass." A voice calls out to me and Dae head over to our lockers just as the bells rings, signalling the end of school.

"Yeah, I'll be there Austin," Dae screams back.

That's right ladies and gentlemen. My friend Daena Adams is a soccer player. Oh and not just a player, she's the team captain. I'm so jealous of her. Not because I want to play soccer, but because she gets to boss around a bunch of immature boys.

We walk out of school and I immediately make my way (A/N: Mrs. all American)over to my car.

"Remember how you said that your goal of welcoming outcasts is completed. Well, sorry to burst your bubble but there may be someone you didn't notice." Dae says, turning my head towards a silhouette hunched over what looks like his phone.

" Are you sure? He looks okay." I say, trying to get into my car as quickly as I can.

Who am I trying to fool? Even I don't believe myself. That guy looks like all the other students I helped. The truth is, I was so close to ticking that goal of my to-do list for high school but, it looks like that's going to have to wait now.

" I'm going to head over to practice and you're going to head over to that guy."  She says, more like orders while dragging me out of my car.

" I can't believe you're younger than me but you still order me around," I whine, pouting and trying to plead with my eyes to let me go.

She glares at me and storms off towards the field. Ugh! Why can't I ever win with her?

I straighten out my shirt and try to smooth out my hair, as I grumpily make my way towards the brooding boy.

As I reach him, I notice that he has his earphones plugged in. Way to make this even more awkward than it's going to be.

" Hey! I'm Aleisha Matthew. What's your name?" I blurt out in one breath.

" Shut up!" He snaps without even looking at me.

" Excuse me?" I question, raising my voice.

" I'm sorry. Did you say something?" He asks, looking at me like he didn't know I was there.

He takes off his earphones and stares at me, waiting for an answer.

I repeat what I said, awkwardly. Did he really not see me or was he pretending? Because if he was pretending, he was a pretty good actor and a jerk.

" Noah." He replies, bringing me out of my daze.

" What?" I say trying to remember what question he was answering to.

He lets out a big sigh, rolls his eyes and replies, "My name. You asked for my name, remember?"

I could be watching Teen Wolf instead of dealing with this arrogant guy.

" Okay. So, what are you doin'?" I ask, trying to move past the awkwardness.

" Before you interrupted or after? Cause I have different answers for both." He retorts, looking annoyed.

" See, I don't know what your problem is but I'm trying to help," I say, equally annoyed. Maybe even more.

" Why do you think I need help?" He snaps, raising an eyebrow.

" Obviously! Because you're sitting alone." I answer. Was this guy for real?

He stares at me. Then he glares and for a minute his clear blue eyes turn dark but, soon it's back to its original colour.

" See, I'm the school president of Lynnwood High and my goal is to welcome outcasts," I repeat my usual well-rehearsed statement.

" I don't need your dumb assistance. I'm happy the way I am." He snaps and with saying that, he storms off.

You know what I need? A warm shower and a Luke Hemmings.


So that took me like 1 and a half hours to write so I hope you like it.

Trivia#1: While writing this, I saw a small beetle and I freaked so I killed it by spraying it with a liquid from the cleaning supplies cabinet.

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Also for whoever was reading Kidnapped By The Bad Boy, I may be completing it on this account so stay tuned.


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