Chapter 3|The Party

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Enjoy! Dedicated to daniahamid for being so damn awesome!


After the very awkward talk with Noah, I took a long warm bath and was currently doing my homework. I wouldn't be one of those kids who only studies and reads but, homework was kinda fun, at least English was. As I finish the last problem, my phone pings with a new notification.

Oliver: Hey Pres! Want to come over to Erin's party? Can't have a rocking party without Pres, can we?

I smile as I read the text. Oliver was Olivia's twin brother, and one of the sweetest guys I knew. I look around and see my completed homework. I could use a party to relieve some stress and anyways it wasn't like I had anything else to do.

I quickly type in a reply to inform Oliver that I'd be there in an hour. I didn't bother asking for the address because Erin and two other girls, Laurane and Ivana had been best friends with me and Daena, but they kind of changed. We're still friends though.

Next, I send Dae a message asking if she could come.

Dae: I'm going to the party straight after practice. Meet you there.

I decide that it's finally time to get ready for the party. I pick out a white crop top and some light Jean shorts to go with. After I straighten my hair and do some light makeup, I slip on a loose floral over shirt. I grab my phone and make my way downstairs. I leave a note on the fridge for my parents. Thea was at her boyfriend's place so I didn't have to worry about that.

Mum & Dad,
I'll be stepping out to go to Erin's party. Will sleep over at Dae's
P.S: finished all my homework so don't worry.
XOXO ~ Ali

I hum in satisfaction as I finish writing the note and proceed to strap on some brown sandals.

I grab Luke and head outside. Whenever one of us had to head out of the house and we knew the house would be empty for a few hours or so, I would drop Luke off at our neighbour's house. They were a kind couple who loved pets and had a few of their own. Their little daughter Crystal loved Luke as much as she loved her own kitten, Cuddles.

After dropping Luke off, I get into my car and started driving. I plug the AUX cable into my phone and start singing along to 'Waste The Night'.

Soon I pull into one of the parking spaces in front of Erin's moderately big house. I get out and start walking towards the entrance. The climate is quite chilly as it's late autumn, but it's not really cold yet. Soon enough, the smell of sweat and alcohol washes over me as I enter the house.

My first mission is to search for Dae. She's probably already here as I notice some of the other jocks from her team.

"Oh, you're finally here. I was starting to think you backed out."

I turn around and see Oliver standing there with a cup in his hand. " Nope, I'm here," I say with a smile.

"I've got to find Daena. Catch you around?" I say, turning around to continue searching.

" Oh okay. I think I saw her in the kitchen. Have fun!" And with that, he walks away.

I make my way towards the kitchen, pushing through the swarm of sweaty bodies as a few of them stop dancing and snogging to acknowledge me.

I spot her blond waves over a couple of heads. I walk towards her and smile to myself.

" I see you finally decided to wear that cute crop sweatshirt I bought you."
She turns around, with a hand on her heart as she tries to make out who it is in the low lighting.

I assess her outfit and it was indeed cute. It was still in her tomboyish style though. She wore the Adidas black crop sweatshirt I gifted her a year ago, along with light blue ripped jeans and her Adidas Superstars.

" Havin' fun?" A lean but muscular boy comes and asks Daena.

"Please go away, Hayden." She replies, walking away and pulling me along with her.

I scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion. Did she know him? Why have I not seen him before? I turn around to where he's standing about 5 feet away from us. He looks up and I see the hurt evident on his face. He gives me a sad smile before leaving the kitchen to make his way upstairs to one of the bedrooms.


I turn towards Dae and see her staring into space with a reminiscent look on her face. I figured it would be for the best if I didn't bring up the topic of Hayden.

" Do you know which song this is?" I ask, hopefully breaking the tension. She turns towards me and smiles apologetically for spacing out. " I think it's one of those rock band songs. Wanna check out who the DJ is?"

"Sure." I grab her hand and push through the crowded dance floor as we make our way all the way to the front where the complicated DJ system was set up.

" Um, excuse me!" I say, trying to speak over the music to grab the attention of the hooded figure behind the system.

He looks up and his eyes turn into a hardened glare. " What do you want ' Miss - I'm president of Lynnwood High'?"

Oh shit.

Hey guys! So this chapter was a filler.

Trivia#2: Noah was originally supposed to be played by Jonathan Groff but, I found out that he was gay in real life and casting him to play a straight role would be awkward.
P.S: No, I'm not a homophobe.

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