Chapter 14|It's Not A Damn Date

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"How about this one?"

"Eww! Too sparkly."

"This one?"

"Too dull."

"This is perfect."

"Wow! Way too much skin."

"Okay....this one shows lesser skin?"

"Way too covered!"

"Geez, Thea! You're so picky."

"I'm sorry, " she rolls her eyes sarcastically. "I'm just trying to find a perfect dress for your date with Jonah."

"Okay first, it's Noah and second, IT'S NOT A DAMN DATE!"


"Well like it or not, I'm picking this one." I announce, grabbing a plum colored dress off the rack.

"I actually like that one. Do you need shoes to go with it to." Thea inquires.

I shake my head and head over to the counter and hand my dress over to the cashier. Once I have my dress in a packet, Thea and I head over to my car.


I shudder as my skin comes in contact with the cool air conditioning of the mall.

"Ryder will meet us at the food court. What do you wanna do till then?"

I shrug and continue walking, only stopping to spare a look at the windows of some shops. Suddenly, I come in contact with someone's chest. The person's arm wraps around my waist to steady me before stepping back. I lift my hand and place it on my throbbing head before looking up to meet the all too familiar blue eyes.

"Oooh! Is this Noah?" My sister screeches from behind me.

Turning to her, I begin the introduction. "Jace, meet my sister Thea and Thea, meet Noah's best friend Jace." Both of them exchange greetings before Jace diverts his attention to me.

"So, what brings you to the mall this late?"

"I could ask the same for you."

"I'm buying a gift for my sister Jade."

I huff out a breath. " I just finished buying a dress for the dinner tomorrow, with Noah."

"Dinner? What dinner?"

"Some office dinner with his mom."

"Oh. That one. He didn't say he was inviting you. In fact, I asked him to invite someone else."

I raise an eyebrow at him, watching him grin widely. " I don't know about that. He invited me and I'm agreed."

"Fair enough. Then, I'll see you there. Bye Thea and buh-bye Sweetheart." He winks, before walking away.

"Okay, seriously? How many more guys have you met, that I need to know about?"


The next day at school passes by uneventfully and before I know it, I'm sitting before my vanity, my sister behind me with a straightener in hand.

"When is he coming to pick you up?"

"He's coming at six." I jerk my head backwards as Thea yanks my hair.

"Okay. We have approximately forty five minutes to get you ready for your dat- dinner."

In another fifteen minutes my hair and make up is all ready. I grab my dress and enter my en-suite bathroom. Ten more minutes pass and I'm all dressed up. I pack myself a small purse containing my essentials like a Chapstick, my phone, a mirror and a pack of tissues. I go down the stairs and decide to watch some TV while I wait for Noah to arrive. At exactly six, the doorbell chimes and I get up from my seat on the couch, turn of the TV and walk to the door, trying my hardest to minimise the noise made by my black wedge boots.

On opening the door, I come face to chest with a Noah that is dressed in a plum colored button down shirt and black jeans. We both jerk our eyes towards each other, alarm evident on our face and let out a groan in union.

"Oh my God! You guys color coded?"

You have got to be kidding me.
Oohhh!!! A cliffy!

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.
This chapter is dedicated to the talented Bk_writes who made the wonderful cover that this book is sporting right now.

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Aaanddd I'm out.

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