Chapter 24|The Small Things

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You're just going dress shopping, not going on a date, Aleisha. I remind myself. If you know me, you'd know that I tend to over overthink almost every small event. And currently, I was debating over what to wear to go dress shopping with Noah. I've convinced myself that it means nothing but, there's a small part of me that's really excited and nervous to go out with him. This small part of me is also trying to tell me to dress better than the jeans and hoodie I have on right now.

Finally deciding to listen to the bigger part of me, the one that knows better, I leave my room. I glance at my phone screen and read the the time displayed. 5:45pm.

Noah said he would pick me up at six which left me enough time to resume watching my Friends episode.

Almost fifteen minutes later, the doorbell chimes, indicating a visitor. I switch off the television, grab my bag and head to the door. Noah is checking his phone when I open the door and he takes a minute or two to look up and notice me.

"Sorry, that was my mom. She was asking if I'd be back for dinner"

I shake my head and smile, closing the door behind me. "It's alright, what'd you tell her?"

Noah begins walking towards his car. "I said I wouldn't be back cause I was hoping we could get something to eat after we're done shopping. Uh- that's if you want."

I ignore the nervous flutters that begin to form in my stomach and nod. "Yeah sure, I know this really good place that's quite near the mall too."

"Okay then. " He smiles slightly and motions for me to enter the car.

The car ride isn't too long and we spend it by getting to know each other.

"You don't like Michael Jackson ? The King of Pop?" he turns his eyes to me, his expression baffled.

"Eyes on the road," I remark, playfully punching his shoulder before continuing, "and I'm sorry, I just don't like his music."

"Unbelievable" he mutters with a shake of his head which prompts me to let out a small laugh.

"Well, tell me something that you surprisingly dislike?"

"Uh-, " he ponders, looking deep in thought. Then he turns to me with a meek smile on his face. "Don't laugh, please." he begs.

I laugh and urge him to proceed with his confession.

"I don't like having fishes or birds as pets. They just don't seem as fun to me or as caring and comforting as dogs and cats are. I- I still like them as animals though?"

"Well that is understandable. I had a parrot as kid and never quite connected with it."

Noah let's out a relieved sigh and I smile softly, internally debating my next words.

"Were you that worried about what I'd think of you?" I hold my breath.

He looks taken a back and then smiles cooly. "Well, I wouldn't exactly want you to think I'm a cruel animal-detesting person, days before taking me to prom, would I?"

I laugh and shake my head, ignoring the  disappointment seeping in due to the variance in answer I had in mind.

We keep at the silly questions until we reach the mall.

How long does it take to find a decent dress. If I was already tired, I didn't even want to imagine how Noah was feeling right now. We had visited over five shops and none of them had a dress that fit me well enough.

"I'm so sorry this is taking so much time." I apologise as we enter yet another boutique.

He simply shakes his head and puts a hand at the small of back to guide me in. The spot he touches tingles a little but I push the feeling aside.

We both split into different aisles and begin searching once again. A few minutes pass and I hear Noah call out my name. I turn around and see him holding out three dresses. One's a simple maroon off the shoulder, knee length - dress, the second is a long black dress with little detailing around the waist and the final one is what catches my eyes.

I take all three dresses from him and look around for the nearest changing room. After locating one, I motion for him to wait outside as I enter.

I try on the first dress, which is the maroon coloured one. It fits nicely but looks a little too casual. I still step out and wait for Noah's opinion.

"It's a little too simple, isn't it?" he asks and I smile and nod.

I try on the black dress next that fits a little weirdly on me, so I don't bother going out and asking Noah for his opinion.

I then try on the last and my most favourite dress. Praying that it fits perfectly, I try it on and look at myself in the mirror. The red colour of the dress brings out the brown highlights in my hair and the silky material makes it look fancier than it is. It has thin straps and a deep neckline that's not too revealing. It stops a little short of my knees which enhances the length of my legs. I love it.

I step out of the fitting room, hoping that Noah would like the dress as much as I like it. I hear a gasp and look up to see a gaping Noah, his eyes trained on the dress.

He then coughs and averts his eyes. "I like this one." he speaks, after a moment of silence and I do a short celebratory dance in my mind. His expression definitely proved that he more then liked it. Don't get ahead of yourself.

"We're done here then." I say after walking out of the changing room in my regular clothes and the three dresses in my hand.

"Thank god." Noah sighs, as he takes the two dresses I decided against and hands them over to the store assistant.

After paying for my dress and exiting the store, I feel as though my legs are about to give out. Noah, noticing my fatigued appearance, asks me if I want to get something to eat. I then remind him that we were anyway going to get dinner so eating now would be pointless. He agrees and we walk a little faster back to the car, fueled by the thought of food.

We arrive at the small restaurant a short ten minutes later and hurry in to take a seat. We find a small cosy booth near a panel of window. We both grab our menus and after reciting my order to the waiter, I wait for Noah to do the same.

"I'll have a Sloppy Joe, no onions and no tomato, please. And oh, I'll take curly fries too." I suddenly look up from my phone and watch as he hands our menus back to the waiter with a smile. He catches me staring and sends me a puzzled look.

"My brother- Aiden. He used to order the exact same thing whenever we would eat here." I confess with a sad smile. Noah quietly reaches over and places his hand atop mine.

"Do you think of him often?" he asks after a few moments of silence.

"I try not to because it'll just distract me but sometimes, something really small, like what you ordered," I sent him a smile, "suddenly reminds me of him and then everything just comes rushing back." I confess, absentmindedly playing with his fingers.

"I understand exactly what you mean." he remarks.

I wait for him to continue and tell me more but he doesn't, and for the rest of our night, I wonder who he was talking about.

I want him to be able to trust me.


I hope you enjoy this chapter. I know that I haven't written in so long but so much is happening and all I know is that i don't want to completely give up on this book.

Also, a picture of Aleisha's dress is attached.

Stay safe and stay at home :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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