Chapter 18|Who Is He?

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Noah keeps me company for the rest of the day and for that I am abundantly grateful. At around five in the evening, I suggest that if he wanted, we could have a  tutoring session before he goes back home; to which he agrees.

We sit in my room amidst loose sheets of papers with ineligible handwriting on it, when suddenly Noah speaks, "Who's that?". I look up from my notes and focus on his finger that points at a photo frame placed on my desk. I gulp visibily, my vision going hazy as millions of memories and thoughts clog my brain. I shake my head in order to get rid of the blurriness. "My brother. My twin brother."

Noah's lips part slightly in shock. His fingers fiddle with each other as he hesitantly lets out, "A-and where is he now?" I occupy myself with the thread lining at the bottom of my pajama top, my headache from the previous fever increases ten-fold. "He's not here." A slender finger tilts my chin up and I'm forced to stare into green orbs. Noah keeps searching my face, his fingers still caressing it tenderly. After an eery minute passes, he nods and lets his fingers drop to his lap. I'm about to turn my attention back to my notes when he lightly grabs hold of my hands. I stiffen at the contact and widen my eyes when he starts to stroke his thumbs in a to and fro movement across the back of my palm. I soon start to unravel and visibly relax. His touch numbs me and lulls my racing mind.

After a minute or so, his stroking gradually comes to a stop. He leans in and before I can process it, places a feather-light kiss at my hair line.

He diverts his attention to my notes, a small smile playing on his face. His smile grows a little wider when he glances at me and finds me staring with a dumbfound expression.


After an hour of studying, awkward skin contact and not-so-subtle glances, I hear my mother's voice calling from downstairs. I bolt down the stairs, unsure of whether Noah is following me or not. My mother stands there in the kitchen, my father next to her. "Honey, are you feeling better now?" I simply nod as I try to regain my breath and control my panting. "Oh, and who is this young man?" My mother inquires, looking behind me for a moment before raising an accusatory eyebrow at me. I flush and immediately shake my head. I take in a deep breath of air and respond, "Mom, meet Noah, my biology tutor. And Noah meet my Mom." Noah curtly nods, takes a step forward and extends a hand out to my mother. "Good evening, Mrs. Mathew." My mother takes his hand in a motherly loving way and shakes it. Next he shakes the hand of my father, who stares him down and threatens him silently. "Is he staying for dinner Sweetie? I'm making your favourite. Chicken stuffed with mozarella cheese, wrapped in Parma Ham, with a side of homemade mash."

I turn and face Noah. "Noah has to go home doesn't he?" Noah shoots me an amused smile as he catches on to my strategy. "Actually, my mum's out with some of her friends and my brother Nathan is sleeping over at our cousins', so I'd be alone at home." I glare at him when my mother exclaims from the kitchen, "Perfect. You can help Aly whip something up for dessert while I make dinner." I let out an inward groan and shoot Noah a glare once again. He stands there, silently chuckling at my immature behaviour.

I walk towards the kitchen, Noah hot on my heels. I open one of the cabinets and let out a huff of annoyance when I realise that we're out of dessert options. Turning around to speak to Noah, I stop in my tracks when I notice how effortlessly good looking he is. His back faces me, his well toned body leans against the countertops, one of my mum's cookbooks in his hand. I mentally scold myself for gawking and then clear my throat; in order to gain his attention and prepare my voice before I speak so, it doesn't betray me.

He places the book down and turns around, his shaggy hair flopping a little. He quirks an eyebrow up and hums in an interrogatory tone. "I need to run to the store. I'll be back in 20 minutes tops." And with that I turn my back to leave. "I'll come along." He interjects. "There's no need for that. I'll be quick." I quicken my steps to the stairs. The sound of him catching up to makes me slow down just the slightest. He grabs ahold of my my arm, forcing me to turn around. I pull my arm out of his grasp, very aware of the similar moments like these we've had today. "I want to. I'll be waiting here." He says sternly. I hold his stare for a second longer and then bolt up the stairs to change into something decent and tame my boggled mind.

As predicted, in about 20 minutes Noah and I are done with picking up the necessities. I dust off the excess flour from my hands and then start mixing the contents in my mixing bowl that contains brownie batter. I recall back to when we were at the grocery store. I gave Noah half of my list and asked him to pick them up and then meet me a the cashier's. I made sure that at all times, the items he had to pick up would never result in us being at the same aisle while I was picking up my items. I blasted my music in the car and used the excuse of driving as to why I wasn't talking. Once we reached home, I rushed upstairs to change back into a pair of sweats, Noah followed me in with the bags.

I had no idea why I was so paranoid around him. I guess I was just dreading the moment he'll bring up Aiden and then I wouldn't know what to say.

Hey everyone! I know it's been so long since I updated. I was stuck in the middle of a terrible writer's block. I also had so much going on in my life. But here it is. Shoutout to nysha25 who encouraged me to write this chapter.


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