Chapter 9|Cheeky Grins & Multiple Lies

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I'm a jerk. I didn't have to be so rude. She was only trying to help. Oh gosh, darn it!

I bang my head on the steering wheel as an attempt to empty my head of these guilty thoughts. Yes. Believe it or not, I feel extremely and annoyingly guilty after speaking so rudely to Aleisha just a minute ago. It feels good to say her name and not that stupid long name I used to call her. Again, it was really rude of her to think that I didn't have friends. So what if they weren't at school? That doesn't make me antisocial. She and her stupid welcoming project. Such a blow to my man pride.

I grab my phone, as I stop at a signal, clicking a contact. After a few rings, the person picks up.

"Hey man! How'd it go with 'Miss-I'm-President-of-Lynwood-High' ?"

"I called her annoying and told her that she's in everyone's business."

"Dude that's awesome. That's just how tutoring sessions are supposed to go."

"Jace! I don't need your sarcasm. I know I messed up."

"Well what else happened? Other than, you know being really unnecessarily rude."

" I think I almost kissed her," I reply with a groan.

"What?" He asks in a soft whisper.

"I know. I mean I wasn't supposed to, but she said something and she looked just like her. Just like Iris."

"Noah! My place. Now!"

"Already on my way," I say hanging up and looking up to see that the signal has turned green and all the cars are already moving.

Two minutes later, I'm pulling up into Jace's driveway. I park the car, get out and walk up to the door. I don't bother ringing the bell as I turn the doorknob and walk in.

"I'm here," I yell.

"Make yourself at home, sweetie." A yell resounds from the kitchen.

" I already did, six years back, but thanks for the offer Liz."

I climb up the stairs and barge my way into the all too familiar room.

I feel a pillow hit me right in the face and then slide down to the ground. I glare at Jace, who is swinging on his chair with a cheeky grin. I pick up the pillow and throw it back at him and then jump on his bed, making myself comfortable.

"You can do it."

"Do what?"


"Jace. I'm not going to cry."


He gets up from the chair and sits on the bed with me. He pulls me into a hug and I rest my head on his shoulder. To most guys or maybe even girls, this action may scream homosexuality, but it isn't. Neither Jace nor I am gay. We're just two best friends who are being there for each other. I pull away and look down at my lap.

"I miss her so fucking much."

"I know. I do too."

I look up at him and give him a grateful smile to which he smiles back. A second later he's shaking in a grimace.

"Way too emotional dude. There isn't supposed to be a Notebook 2."

"Shut up."

He gets off the bed and walks out of the room. I smile at his retreating figure. I remember the day that I first met that blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy.

*8 years ago*

"Mommy I don't wanna go. You can't make me." I say, crossing my arms and pouting.

My mom turns around to look at me. Pushing her hair back with her paint-stained hands, she gives me the warmest smile. My mom is the prettiest girl I've ever seen and the only one without cooties too. She has golden hair and light green eyes that twinkle like stars when they look at me. Even when she's mad at me, her eyes twinkle. I love her a lot.

She's about to say something when someone starts tapping on my window. I look out, frowning my eyes in confusion when I see a boy my age with golden hair like my mom, but instead of green eyes, he has crystal blue ones. Seeing him, my mom rolls the window down to let this kid say whatever he's been wanting to say.

"Dude! Get out of the car. What are you waiting for?"

My mom looks at me with a puzzled look. "Noah honey, I didn't know you made a friend."

The boy whose name I still don't have a clue about smiles cheekily and says," Ma'am, Noah and I met at the park three days ago. I didn't know he'd be coming to the same school I go to. I'm so happy he is."

I turn to my mom with wide eyes and shake my head repeatedly. Who was this kid and what lies was he feeding my mom with? My mom chooses to ignore me and instead asks the boy what his name is.

"The name's Jace. Jace Harvard." He says with a cheeky grin that seems to be a constant appearance on his face.

"Well Jace," My mom starts, turning to me and then back to him, " I give you the permission to accompany my son on his first day of school."

I open my mouth wide. I can't believe my mom believes Jace. My eyes light with panic as I turn to her.

" It's okay sweetie. I'm not mad at you for not telling me about your friend."

She leans back and opens the door and I step out. I turn back to her and wave when I see her waving. Jace grabs a hold of my hand and we both run to the entrance of Prestige Elementary School.

Once we're there and my mom's car is far gone, Jace lets out a big breath.

"Oh Gosh! I wasn't so sure that would work out the way it did." He says between breaths, his face flushed red.

"Do I actually know you?" I ask, pulling my hand out of his grasp.

"You should be thanking me. I saved your life back there."


"Your mom was going to give you a lecture and I rescued you from it." He says, confidently while puffing his chest out.

"No, she wasn't. She was going to tell me to go to school because I didn't want to." I retort, blinking slowly.

His arms drop to the sides and I see his face drain out from his previous confidence. "Oh. Anyway, friends?"

I look down at his hand that is waiting to shake and look back at him and grin. " Friends."

Seeing my grin, his face explodes into a grin wider than my own. He takes my hand and we walk into school together.

* End of flashback*

" Dude! You coming down anytime today?" I hear Jace yell and I shake my head in amusement as I hope off the bed and walk out his bedroom.


I feel myself smile as my previous sadness disappears.

Only for a while though.

Waddup! 1000 freaking words! Whooo!

So what'd Y'all think of Jace? Sweetheart or sweetheart? Well, let's just hope nothing bad happens to him. Mwahahahah!!

Well, I gotta Camilla. Too soon? Too soon.


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