Chapter 15|Matching Outfits And Heated Stares

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After the whole 'color coded' revelation, Noah and I are currently sitting in his car while he starts up his car. It is pretty chilly outside as it gets closer to the month of December. I pull my coat closer to my body in order to keep my body warm. I am pretty anxious of what Noah's mum and her friends will think when we walk into their house looking like those couples who dress in matching outfits to prove their love for each other. We are now moving along the streets. I press my head against the cool window and watch as the town I grew up in passes me by, house by house. My mind drifts to a few years later in the future, when I would have to move away from this town that holds so many memories, and a sense of nostalgia makes my heart clench in sadness.

"We're here, Aleisha." A deep voice shakes me out of my reverie. I look around and notice that we are in the grander part of Lynnwood. The houses are bigger and the cars are more expensive. Every lawn is mowed to perfection and not a flower looks out of place. I step out of the vehicle and turn my attention to the familiar house. Christmas lights adorn the house earlier than they should and I shoot Noah a look. "My mum loves Christmas." He replies, answering my unasked question. We both walk up to the steps of his house together. Turning the door knob, he ushers me in. Orange light fills the room as I look around and marvel in the beauty of the well kept sitting room. Noah takes my coat before I walk towards the kitchen in order to search for anything to help with.

"Aleisha, honey you're here." Camryn's sweet voice greets me on entering the kitchen. She's standing, her hair in a bun and a pale pink apron tied loosely around her petite waist. She smiles at me warmly and opens her arms, welcoming me with a warm hug. She smell of vanilla and sugar and I suspect that she might have been baking. My stomach flutters at the thought of being fed with baked goods. It's been a while since I had any. I pull back and look at her, "Can I help with anything, Camryn?" I inquire, assessing the marble countertops. "There's not much to be done, but it'd be wonderful if you could pop that casserole into the oven for me." I nod at her request, walking over to one of the countertops, I pick up the dish and move over to the oven. Just as I'm trying to open the oven and balance the casserole in my hand, Noah walks in and holds the door of the oven open for me. "Thanks." I mutter as I slide the casserole in.

A few minutes later, the casserole is ready and the guests have started arriving. I walk out to the dining room and help Noah with laying the table. I wince everytime I catch him put the utensils on the wrong side of the plates and I rearrange them immediately. After doing this a few times, Noah lets out an annoyed sigh and glares at me with his emerald eyes. "Can you stop doing that?" He asks, his jaw clenched. "You're putting them in the wrong manner. There's a way to arrange the utensils." I retort calmly. "Does it matter?" I look at him, staring into his eyes. "Yes, it does." We stay in a heated stare-off for a few seconds until I look away and blink. Walking out of the room, I take seat on one of the couches. I can feel his gaze burning into the back of my head but I don't bother turning around.


"So how long have you both been together?"

I pause mid-chew and look up at the asker of the question, a red haired woman dressed in purple smiles at me and waits for me to answer. I look at Noah who is seated beside me before answering her, "We're just friends who go to the same school." I continue chewing as she nods, looking surprised. We didn't prepare for these type of questions so the only way out was to be honest, though I don't think Noah and I are friends currently or ever were, for that matter. No one has mentioned our similar colored clothing yet so I guess that's good. My leg starts bouncing, a habit I indulge in when I'm nervous. To say I'm anxious of what other questions might get thrown our way is an understatement. A few seconds later I feel a warm hand on my thigh, stopping it's continuous motion. I try not to focus on the shivers that are passing through my body and look up at Noah, quirking an eyebrow. "Can you stop doing that? It's annoying." Is all he says before going back to his food. I look down at my lap and lift his hand off my thigh and place it own his own, ignoring the absence of a previous source of warmth. "Can you not touch me? Telling me would have been enough." I hiss back.

I hear a cough and look up to see Jace shifting his eyes curiously between Noah and I. I shake my head at him, telling him not to say a word before gulping down the last of my water. I excuse myself from the table and grab my plate. I walk past Noah's chair, lightly brushing my bare arm against his back. I hear him suck in a breath and I smile victoriously.

After all the guests have finished with their dinner, Camryn requests everyone to gather in the hall, where there are trays of freshly baked double chocolate chip cookies. I inhale the fresh scent, but out of courtesy, let the older guests help themselves. After all the women are enjoying their dessert, Jace and I walk to the tray of cookie, followed by Noah and the girl he warned me about. During dinner, I learnt that her name was Sapphire and that she was the daughter of the woman who asked about Noah and I. Sapphire was rather ecstatic after learning that Noah and I were just friends and ever since has latched herself onto him. I can hear her shrill voice narrate the happenings of her day to a Noah who could care less. I hold back a giggle that soon disappeares when I notice that the tray of cookies are empty, the only remnants being crumbs. "Turn that frown upside down Sweetheart," Jace nudges me. " I took enough for you and Noah. Just enough so that Sapphy over there won't find any for herself. I gasp at his immature move but a part of me parties at the thought of Sapphire finding an empty tray of cookies.

My conscious glares at me for having such bitchy thoughts.

"By the way Sweetheart, what's up with yours and my best friend's matching outfits. Did you guys plan it or something?"

I'm very proud of this chapter. I hope you guys are too. If you're wondering how I'm updating so often, it's because I'm having a small break right now before I enter Year 8.

Stay tuned for more updates your way. Until then, byeee!!

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