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We finally got home at around 12:35 am. Partially because the waiters kicked us out for having being, my mom to drunk and... well, that goes for everyone else but me. I'm just happy we're home. I have school in the morning. I usually go to bed at 10:30pm but my plans for having a (somewhat) good nights sleep were misfortunate. I haven't been sleeping to well lately. I don't know why, but every time I close my eyes and fall asleep, I dream... dirty things. I always wake up with a situation or I just have to touch something. The nights when I do end up waking up with that 'situation' I never fixed it. As much as I love touching other things and sometimes other people- but only their hair and stuff like that -I have never touched myself. I thought I was wrong. I didn't like it. But at the same time, I didn't like the feeling of my dick inflating either. Backtrack a bit. I think I lied a little. I've only touched myself once or twice... or maybe a couple dozen. But a man has to do what a man has to do in times like that. I'm ready to go to bed when my mom calls me out to the kitchen, after I hear a loud bang of what I assumed to be pots and pans hitting the floor. I rush down and see her sleeping on the ground, covered in cooking wear. She must have called me then fell-- quite litterally --asleep. I lifted her up with my muscular arms and put her gently in her bed. My mom slept alone for the longest time since my dad divorced her. Because of me, and my habits. She wanted to give me over to child protective services but thought she could fix me. It's been 11 years since and I'm still the same person. I turn, ready to leave the room when I see something that looks cool. I take it with me and close Moms door, running to my room closing the door as well. I stare at the cylinder container I grabbed and read it to my self. "Strawberry flavoured lu-" Oh. It's lube. Why would my mom have lube? She's been alone for 11 years. I just shrugged it off and a craving came to me. I have to feel it. I force my self not to, thinking it was something used for naughty things. But, those naughty things will probably never happen to me, so I might as well touch it while I have it, right? I unscrew the lid revealing the sweet aroma of synthetic strawberries, which I still liked the scent of. I hesitate for a moment before sticking two fingers in the jelly-ish feeling liquid. I move my fingers around in the cool jel, soon lifting my fingers to my lips. I sniff the lube a bit before licking my fingers very lightly. I does taste like strawbe- *THUD* I quickly wipe my fingers off, licking whatever's left on them and hiding the container underneath my bed. I open my door to see no one out there. I walk over to my moms room and peek in the door. I open it fully when I see my mom lying on the floor. I go to pick her up and put her on her bed when she says "ooooohhhhh, sssooo now you wannnna toucchch yuuuuuur own mottthhher now, isss that it...." I was shocked with what she had said. I put her up on the bed and turned to leave, not saying anything when suddenly she called back, "whuh... am I not gooood enouggghh for youuuuuu....?" "Mom, your clearly drunk, goodnight." I said as I slammed the door. I was too tired to deal with this so I just went to bed, forgetting about the lube I had stole.
Okay. This is a double update. It's like 12:33 in the morning and I have no life. BTW HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW BTS LOVE YOURSELF REEL!?!? Ok I'm done.

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