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We get out of the car and walk to the entrance of my apartment. I take the key from under the mat and struggle to open the door. "Key under the rug huh? Do you think that's a good idea..?" I look at him agitated. He puts his hands in the air in defense. "Never mind.." I keep struggling to get the door unlocked when Yoongi takes the key out of my hand. While he does so, he brushes his hands against mine as he takes it. His hands are so soft.. Without thinking I grab his hands in mine and just feel them. He smiles and I blush. I pull them away quickly and take back the key. "I can do it.." I say. "I hope.." I mumble under my breath. I succeed and we walk in. I let him in first and do a little 'boo-ya' behind him. My living room is thing you see when you walk in. There's bottles everywhere.. Oh god.. Some of them are even full.. I hope he doesn't think I drink to.. I start to pick up bottles. "I'm so sorry Hyung, my house is a mess and I should have cleaned in last ni-" "shhhhh..." He places a hand on my back as I'm bent down picking up a shaddered liquor bottle. My spine shivers a bit. "Just relax. Like I said, I've seen worse.." I could tell he was lying. But he was nice enough to try and make me feel better. He runs his right hand on my couch fast to rid the dust and beer cans. "Sit." He said. He's acting like this is his house.. But I don't mind.. is just gives me a sense of order. Or just being ordered around, like my mom used to do. I sit on the burgandy couch and he sits beside me. We sit there for a moment in silence. I start to glide my hands up and down my pant legs, taking in the texture.. "Hey." He says, chuckling. I bolt to look his way. "Oh! Uh, hi.." He just chuckles more. "I like this.." He stretches his arms and spreads across the back of the couch. "The silence.. I never get that at home.." I blush because his hand is so close to my shoulder. I just want him to put his arm around me.. I try to hide my pink cheeks and look at him. "Why?" I ask. He smiles. "My parents always nag me. 'Do well in school son, Take on the family business son.' They never shut up.." "I-its the total opposite for me.." I say. He looks and me with a raised eyebrow. "How so?" I look down. "Mum never cared how I was doing in school. I didn't mind of course," I look up at him. "I still got good marks. And I have no 'family business'. My family is just a bunch of drunks." 'I can tell' is the only thing I imagine him saying. I look around at the bottles and it only reminds me of her. I shed a tear, but wipe it away quickly. Why did I invite him over.. we have nothing to do.. I just want to hop in bed and die. "Wanna play truth or dare?" I stare at him after he said that. I don't know how to play properly... I've seen people in movies play it, so I can try I guess.. "O-Okay.." I say with a nervous smile. "Cool." He grabs a full bottle of liquor and starts to explain the rules. "If you chicken out of a truth ot a dare, you have to take a drink of this.." He holds up the bottle, then sets it on the table. "If you want to reverse the truth ot dare, AKA make the person who said it, do it, say angel." Angel.. Easy enough.. I hope..


Okay, hopefully smut in the next chapter


I don't mind // YOONMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now