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Yoongi looks over at the piece of paper and snatches it away from me. He crumples it back up and puts it in his bag. He writes another note and gives it to me. 'Sorry.' I write back 'sorry about what?' I pass it back but he doesn't read it. What was he sorry about? Being gay? Nah that makes no sense, does it? Nah. The bell rings and I follow Yoongi out of the room. "Hey, Yoongi." He looks over to me and smiles. "Hey." The same smile. Is that all he can do is smile? I love it though. It makes me feel like I actually have a friend. I run up beside him and smile back. I look at his bag and see a really fluffy accessory. I stare at it and I guess he saw. He takes it off and puts it in my hands. "Here. You seem like you really like it." I blush at the kind offer and shake my head. "No, I can't. It's yours." He shrugs it off. "Fine." That's it? Fine? I should have taken it. We keep walking and not saying anything. "So..." He brakes the awkward silence. "What's up?" What's up? I can't answer that. I don't know what's up. Ugh I must have social anxiety. "The sky?" I gulp. He chuckles. "Well, that is true." He says, still lightly laughing. "Yoongi?" He looks at me. "Yeah?" "This might be pretty unexpected and weird of a question, but.. are we friends?" He just stares. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry what was I thinking we just met oh gosh..." I feel my self sweating and my stomach feels weird. "If you wanna be." He says, so casually. I want to be his friend. He would be my only friend. But I would have to hide my touching habit, which I'm not doing very good. "Okay..." I say with a happy but nervous smile. We go to our next classes and wait for lunch.
The bell Rings for break and I see Yoongi at his locker. I walk over to him. "Hey how was class?" He asked as he saw me. "Not bad, yours?" He explains to me how when he introduced himself, all the girls were staring at him, but after he told them he was gay, everyone turned away. He laughed. "What so funny Yoongi?" I ask. He gets his lunch out of his locker and replies, "it's funny how all the girls are that desperate, but when they find out your gay, things take a huge turn." That's not funny. To him it is so whatever. Whatever floats his boat. "Who do you usually sit with Jimin? Will they be okay with me there?" What do I say? That I'm a friendless loser that sits alone? But it's true. My mom told me never to lie, so I should just tell him straight up right?


Just pretend there's a time skip somewhere aka a few weeks or something

I don't mind // YOONMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now