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I sit, deeply looking at the food that sits in front of me. "What's wrong?" Yoongi then realizes I have nothing to eat with with and before I knew it, his chopsticks were in my mouth with beans. Their so slimy. The chopsticks, not the beans. I like it, I swish my tongue all over them before he pulled them out. "Better?" He asked, chuckling. I nod and he says "how cute." I blush deeper. He has his chopsticks full again, desperately wanting to feed me again. I open once finished. Noodles this time. "Hm, did ju, *chomp* make dis?" I ask, mouth full. He nods. "Yeah, I made dinner last night and this is what was left over." "It's real- *swallow* really good!" He blushes this time but not the way I do. "Well thanks Jiminie." Jiminie? That's new. I just brush it off, then the bell rings for 3rd and 4th period. He feeds me the last bit of noodles and we get up. "Yoongi... you didn't eat." I say. "That's fine, I had a big breakfast" He replies and we go our separate paths.


I see Yoongi at his locker after all classes ended and the bell rang to go home. He calls me over. "Yo, Jiminie!" With his low rusky voice, it sounded so sexy. Jiminie. Yup. Sexy. "Coming!" I call back, with my high voice. I immediately cover my lips and walk towards him. I get to Yoongi and the first words out of his mouth are, "Your voice is so sweet." I blush a bright red and he says to me, "You look like a tomato." All I can think of was that tomato at the buffet. Come, I have something to ask you. I follow him out of the school. What's he going to ask? Did he notice my habit already?? Oh god, I can imagine it now, 'do you have something wrong with you? You touch things to much. No one asks to touch someones hair.' We stop and I prepare myself for the worst. I breathe in and- "you don't happen to have a lighter on you do you?" A lighter? For what? "Do you smoke?" He just giggles. "Of course not. But do you have one?" "No." I answer. He shrugs and says "I was wondering because you have a string on your sweater that's bothering me. I would just rip it off but, that would make and even bigger string." I look at him confused. "Do you have a problem with the string? I can go back inside and cut it off, I don't want to be a bother whatsoever." He shushes me. "It's fine, I'll see you tomorrow dude." He says, still very polite. We go our separate ways and walk home. At least I'm pretty sure he was going home. I know I was. But I didn't want to.


I unlock the door and step in. Quiet. That's never good. I walk in further and I see a soju  bottle. Empty. I go up to my moms room and see her lying in her bed. "Mom?" No answer I walk closer and shake her. "Mum?" I flip her to face me. "Oh god, no..." froth covers her mouth and she's not breathing. "MOM!?" I scream. "MOOOM!?" I shake her aggressively, hoping she would wake up, but she didn't. Soon I called the police and about 4 cars pulled in the apartment parking lot. The people in uniforms questioned me about what happened and I told them all the same answer. 'I don't know, I'm sorry.' Mom was driven to the hospital and I was brought to the police station. I'm crying my eyes out. A nice looking man brings me into a room and tries to calm me down. I play with my hair, and everything around me.


I don't mind // YOONMIN FFМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя