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It's been hours since the episode I had, and we're still together. We sit on my couch, Yoongi half asleep. Why is he still here.. does he not find last night to be.. awkward.. or even just to fast.. and what are we now? Are we dating.. is he going to leave me after I recover? All these thoughts circulate through my brain. I start to pick at my fingernails until they're down to the nub. I look over to Yoongi who is now fully asleep. I really like him.. a lot.. I've never had someone treat me with such respect, and I've definitely never had an interaction like last night before. I look over at Yoongi. Looking turns to staring. He peaks his left eye open. I was wrong. He wasn't asleep. "Well?" He says. "Well what?" I turn away fast and start biting the nonexistent nail that was once on my fingers. He pulls my hands down and lays on my lap. I don't know what to do. I don't want to touch him... but at the same time it's so tempting.. no. I can't. But he's on my lap, I bet he won't mind.. No. "Hands.." He murmurs. Hands? Like, does he want me to touch him? I run my fingers through his hair. It's so soft. It's like running your hands through a million little strands of thread. A beautiful dyed out green-ish mint colour. A small smile creeps from my lips as I continue to run my fingers through his hair. He's so... so... interesting.. I use my other hand to run my fingers through my own hair, to compare the feeling. His hair seems to be thicker. More burnt out as well, as though he tries to straighten it, but doesn't succeed. I don't mind though, I like the texture of his hair. As I'm still touching my hair, Yoongi takes the hand touching his and holds it close to him. I freeze and my stomach feels like it has a thousand fluttering butterflies in it. I'm still so confused... why would he still stick around? If I were him, I would have run to the hills.

I don't mind // YOONMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now