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I sit in a chair, at a desk. A long desk. I sit across from the man and we sit there in silence. Finally he asks, "are you calm enough to talk now?" I wipe away a single tear and reply. "I-I think so..." I wait for the next question. "What were you doing before you came home, Jimin?" I look up and try to remember. Yoongi. "I was making plans... t-to hang out with my... new f-friend Yoongi. M-my first friend to be honest." He smiles gently. "Your first friend, huh? Well, I hope we can be friends." He looks down at a note book laying in front of him and jots some stuff down. I play with my hair even more. "Jimin," He starts. "My name is Lee Jaehyun and I will be helping you figure out what happened this evening." He still seems so kind. We talk for about 1 hour and 12 minutes when he finally says I can leave. I don't want to seem like a wuss so I just go back home on my own and cry myself to sleep.


"She's not breathing." I hear a voice. I look around. It's a hospital. "I need more volts" I see a woman in a bed in front of me. Mom... "More volts." Doctors everywhere. Working on Mom. Blurr. "She's gone." Muffle. Yoongi... "Jimin, it's fine." I feel an arm around my waist... up to my back... under my shirt... lips on lips... tongue on tong-


I wake up and gasp. "Mom...?" She's not here. She's not coming back... I cry hard when I realize what time it is. 10:37AM. "SHIT" I rush to get my stuff. I slow down a bit. "Why am I so rushy for school. I can skip if I wanted to." But I didn't. I wanted to see my friend. My new friend. I have all my stuff ready and I walk out the door. I grab my bike and start to school. I get there in less then 10 minutes and I rush to my class. I walk in and everyone looks at me. Staring. "Mr. Park?" The teacher asks. "Yes Sir?" I reply back. The class is still staring. "May I please speak to you in private?" I nod and we find ourselves in the empty hall. "Mr. Park, you didn't have to come to school." So he knows. Judging on how the class looked at me they must know too. "I wanted to come." I say. He looks at me concerned but says that I am welcome to stay, but if I need to leave I can. I walk back in the room and I spot Yoongi, sitting ne'er the window. He looks over and our eyes lock. We stare for a good 7 seconds when Yoongi pats the table beside him, signalling me to sit beside him. I take my seat and the lesson begins. A few moments in I receive a piece of paper from Yoongi. I open it and it says, 'I heard about what happened. I'm sorry.' I take a pen out of my bag and write back, 'Don't be, it's no ones fault.' And pass it back. He reads it and begins writing a response. I get it again to read, 'If you need a place to stay, feel free to drop by, or if you need company, if you choose to stay, just give me a call or a text.' And he puts his phone number and address. I almost start crying. Someone actually cares about me. Mom never really did. She stopped me from doing everything but other that, I was stuck in the house doing nothing. I could have been slitting my wrists and she wouldn't give a shit. But knowing that someone cares about what's happening to me right now, it's a dream come true. I write back, 'Wanna come over tonight?' And when I give it to him, and he reads it, he looks over and nods, with the same gummy smile as always.

Okie lol smut warning ahead.

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