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My alarm clock went off at 5:00am and I woke up. My mom was still asleep and I figured I would just leave her be. I went to the kitchen to make my self some oatmeal, and my mom some eggs for when she woke up. I saw new towels on the rung of the stove and I sneaked in a little touch. I was ready to go when my mom came down. "Mom I made you some breakfast bai" I said, super fast, trying to get out the door faster when she calls my name. "Jimin..." I stop and turn around slowly. "Yes mother dear?" I say. "Come here please." I did as I was directed. "What are these?" I look down to see the eggs. In which, little do I remember, I touched. They were supposed to be fried eggs, sunnyside-up, and now look like they are scrambled. "There uhhh, scrabbled eggs..." I didn't lie... "Did you fiddle with them eggs?" She calls my touching habit fiddling. "Uh, no?" I lied that time. She stands up and I feel a sharp pain against my left cheek. "Ow..." "HOW DARE YOU FIDDLE WITH MY FUCKING FOOD, THEN LIE TO MY FACE!! I NEVER EVEN ASKED FOR YOU TO MAKE ME BREAKFAST IN THE FIRST PLACE!!" She hit me again, only this time, her fist was closed. "Mom I have school!" I shout. "YOU WANNA TOUCH SHIT, LETS TOUCH SOME SHIT!" She runs to her room dragging me along with her. I was scared. What was she going to do? "WERES THAT FUCKING CONTAINER!?" Container? Then it hit me, the lube. She starts looking for it when she lets go of me and I run for my room and shove the jel from under my bed into my bag and run out the door.


I make it to school, but with bruises on my face. No one seemed to care though as I was walking down the hallway. Not even teachers or counsellors asked me what happened. I don't mind though. I like to keep to myself. I guess that's the second reason I had no friends. I never talked to anyone. But the one time that I tried. The person saw my habit to touch things and yelled in the cafeteria, that I was a freak. After that no one talked to me, and I never talk to them. I walk to my classroom when the bell rang and sat in my seat. I have an empty desk beside me because no one wants to sit with me. I don't mind. People throw pieces of paper at me while I'm doing my work but I don't care. I just ignore it. The teacher walks in the room with a new student. All the girls started to stare. Wow. He looked very... nice. Like he came from a rich family. His hair was clearly dyed green but it was a soothing sight. It looked very soft. I wanted to fee- "alright class, we have a new student." The teacher looks over to the green haired boy and said, "please introduce yourself to the class." The green haired boy took a step away from the teacher, who had his hand on his back. He was clearly uncomfortable. He stood up straight but put his hands in his pockets then slouched again. "My name is Min Yoongi. I'm  17, and..." he paused. "And I'm gay." All of the girls stopped looking at him. Why would he say that I front of the class? He smiled and looked back at the teacher. Mr. Kim, our teacher, just stared at Yoongi, somewhat disgusted. "Take your seat Mr. Min." He said with a stern voice. The only seat open, was the one next to me.

I don't mind // YOONMIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now