Final battle

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(No plot change: I just edited the spelling errors. Please don't get mad.)
Pan's pov: (lmao unexpected much😂)
"Now my sweet child, we wait." I smirk feeling a protection spell surround the castle.
"For what? A sign to tell you to kill me?" Olive rolls her eyes at me sitting on the throne.
"No. Now hush child I need serious magic to pull this off." I sneer concentrating hard on my magic.

Harry's pov:

We enter Auradon and the streets are deserted despite Pan being stuck in the castle. I feel a cold chill run across my skin as I approach the castle doors. Fairy godmother gives me a small nod before taking down the protection shield. I load my weapon and enter the castle, the door creeks upon my entering.
I see Birdie struggling on the ground with restraints meanwhile Pan  is perched on the throne shaking like a leaf.
I approach Pan "I heard rumors that you can catch arrows with your bare hands, let's see if it's true." I laugh holding my weapon up.
"Please don't do this!" Pan cries still shaking. Birdie stops squirming on the floor and looks up at me nodding encouragingly.

I fire my weapon.

Pan falls to the floor, the arrow strikes him right between his ribs. (LOL Hamilton reference anyone)

I smile to myself until pan's body starts to flicker...

It flickers to reveal Olive, her pleading eyes look at me before she slips into the curse.

My hands start to tremble when what I thought to be Birdie reveals them self as Peter bloody Pan and he slow claps for my stupidity.

"I gotta say, quite the show I pulled there." Pan bows teasing me.
"I'm going to rip you to pieces!" I scream at him loading the crossbow once more.

"I'm going to rip you to pieces!" I scream at him loading the crossbow once more

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"Is that a threat?" Pan jokes strolling around. "I expected much more from you captain, your emotions blinded you and for what a wannabe isle kid?" Pan shakes his head at me and I really just want to rip his head off.

 "I expected much more from you captain, your emotions blinded you and for what a wannabe isle kid?" Pan shakes his head at me and I really just want to rip his head off

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"Don't you know? Peter Pan never fails! I faked my own death and yet you still think you can defeat little old me?" He taunts running his hand on my shoulder.
"Let's finish this." I scowl at him releasing the trigger.

"Very clever I'll admit, but what's the use of cursing the arrow if I wasn't struck?" Pan muses thinking me a fool

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"Very clever I'll admit, but what's the use of cursing the arrow if I wasn't struck?" Pan muses thinking me a fool.
"Oh that? Yeah I didn't coat the tip." I shrug watching as a purple hue starts to form on Pan.

" I shrug watching as a purple hue starts to form on Pan

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"No!" Peter shouts realizing this is it.
"Any last words before your forever nap Pan?" I chuckle resting my Hook on his chin.
"When I wake I will hunt you down if it is the last thing I do pirate spawn!" Peter screeches as he finally closes his eyes and drifts to sleep.

I remove myself from pan's grip and I slowly back up. "I won." I whisper to myself in shock. Just as I am reveling in my accomplishment Belle and the beast who were previously frozen gasp and they reanimate.
"I'm going to get you Peter!" Growls the beast lunging forward at nothing.
Their eyes scan the room and they see Peter on the ground. "Is he-?" Belle begins.
I quickly intervene "no, he's not dead. He's in a sleeping curse." I breathe out.
"And Olive?" They ask, a frown began to etch its way onto my face as I slowly remove my hat.
"The same." I sigh kneeling down beside her, her fiery curls sprawled out on the floor.

" I sigh kneeling down beside her, her fiery curls sprawled out on the floor

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Fairy godmother enters the castle and looks at the scene.
"Olive." She gasps seeing the arrow protruding from her.
"You can help her right!? Please!" I beg fairy godmother.
"Harry I have no power over this. The only way to wake her from the spell is-" Fairy godmother begins explaining.

"True loves kiss." I mumbled.

"It was dreadful the way all the three were looking at him, just as if they did not admire him."
-J.M. Barrie Peter Pan

Author's note:
Wow ok so yeah we are getting close to the end of my book😳
I'm leaving this with spelling errors because if I stay up a hour later then my phone gets taken away😔 (update:I fixed them😅🙌🏻 I feel better now🙃)
Until next time -Izzy 💓

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