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private chat:
andrew garfield wannabe & soph the loaf

andrew garfield wannabe:
heyo soph

soph the loaf:
why the frick is my name
soph the loaf????

andrew garfield wannabe:
cause it's funny??

soph the loaf:
well you have an odd
sense of humour mister
soph the loaf:
soph the loaf:
did you like wanna talk
about something or

andrew garfield wannabe:
well yeah actually
andrew garfield wannabe:
i was wondering maybe
if you wanted to
hangout again

soph the loaf:
yeah!! i'd love to! i had
so much fun last time haha

andrew garfield wannabe:
yay! me too! i'll pick
you up at your hotel again

soph the loaf:
i'll be there!

andrew garfield wannabe:
oh i also wanted to tell
you you're an amazing
singer ;)

soph the loaf:
awe thanks
soph the loaf:
soph the loaf:
i never told you i sang
soph the loaf:
how did you
soph the loaf:
omg did you stalk
my insta??
soph the loaf:


we hit 100 reads!! thank you guys so much I'm glad so many of you are liking my story! :) <3

also this chapter was so short I'm so sorry to repay y'all ill do a double update ok ok the next one is pretty long i promise (lmao that's what she said okay bye)

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