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private chat
my main hoe & soph the hoe

soph the hoe:
wtf i'm so mad

my main hoe:
about the article?

soph the hoe:
soph the hoe:
the amount of fucking times
i tell everyone that me and tom
aren't dating i think i made that
pretty fucking clear
soph the hoe:
they have the nerve to include me
saying "wtf we're not dating" in the

my main hoe:
this is probably a very
inappropriate time to ask
but do you like tom in that

soph the hoe:
you're right it kinda
is an inappropriate time to ask
soph the hoe:
but since i love you i guess ill answer
soph the hoe:
but no i don't
soph the hoe:
i mean don't get me wrong he's such
a great guy and honestly one of my best
friends, but i don't see him in that

my main hoe:
my main hoe:
wow that honestly wasn't
the answer i was expecting

soph the hoe:
sorry to burst your bubble sweatie
soph the hoe:
plus you know i'm not looking
for a relationship after what
happened with alex
soph the hoe:
i'm too afraid it will be a repeat of
what happened with him

my main hoe:
my main hoe:
i may have never met tom
but i can tell how much of
a great guy he is and how
much he means to you. I
know for a fact tom is too
innocent to do something as
stupid as to what alex did to
you. and even if he did, his
spidey senses better start
tingling before i lay a finger
on him

soph the hoe:
this is why i love you

my main hoe:
have you told tom about

soph the hoe:

my main hoe:
you really should

soph the hoe:
i know and i will eventually i promise
soph the hoe:
i miss you so much ugh i
wish you were here :(

my main hoe:
well if you weren't
so busy auditioning
for this top secret
movie you wouldn't
have even left me smh

soph the hoe:
but then i wouldn't have met tom

my main hoe:


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