7 | real life

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Sophie was beyond excited to see Tom again. It was already the next day and Tom was picking her up in an hour and she had no clue what to wear.

She threw something casual on and then thought about Tom. Not in a romantic way, she doesn't feel that way about Tom, she sees him as a friend, maybe even a best friend. Because during their first little hangout, Sophie couldn't help but tell Tom basically everything and anything about her. And Tom was intrigued. He loved getting to know Sophie because even though she was a fan, she also became a friend to him. He loved how she didn't see her as The Tom Holland, but instead just a normal guy.
As Sophie got lost in her thoughts she was snapped out of it when she heard a knock at her hotel door. She quickly jumped out of her bed and ran to the door.

There at the door greeted a very smiley Tom. "Hello love!" he said as he engulfed her in a hug. She smiled as she hugged back. "I've got a very fun and exciting day planned ahead of us, so I hope you're ready!" He says very enthusiastically. Sophie couldn't wait, so she followed Tom out the doors and into the streets of Atlanta.

"Are you not filming for civil war today?" asked Sophie who was standing beside him, waiting for an answer.

"I filmed a scene yesterday and they told me they were filming something today that I wasn't in, so they told me I got a day off! So I decided, what better way to spend a day off than exploring the streets of Atlanta with my new friend!" Tom answered. Sophie laughed at what he said. "Well, you must be tired, why don't you rest?" Sophie asked, she keeps talking to Tom only because she doesn't want to stop.

"Because I wanted to spend time with you." Tom says looking at Sophie and smiling. She blushes and smiles back then looks away.

"Now, you never really told me what you're doing here in Atlanta, care to explain?" He asks, both entering the beach, he looks at the waters and back to Sophie.

"I'm actually auditioning for a role in a new movie, my manager hasn't really told me exactly what it is yet, my auditions are next week but I decided to just stay here for a bit longer." She answers, taking the beautiful sights of Atlanta in. Tom nods as they keep walking together. No ones talking, but it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence. They were both happy they were here exploring this lovely city together.

"Hey look we can rent segways!" Tom says running towards the place that rents them. "We have to." Sophie says as she takes out her wallet to pay for her segway. But before she could even get her card out, Tom has already payed for both of them and was reaching to give Sophie a helmet. "Tom! I could've paid for my own." Sophie frowns, grabbing the helmet. "No worrys darling! My treat." He smirks. Sophie just sighs and gets on the segway.

They both ride their segways along the sidewalk by the beach and smile. Taking it all in. The view of the beach, and the smell of fresh foods as the pass by each restaurant. They ride for as long as they rented it and took it back to the shop.

"That was a lot of fun, I'm glad we did that." Sophie says. Tom agrees with her as they walk into a cute little cafe to grab some food.

The entire time Tom and Sophie just talk and talk and talk. They talked about the most random things. Like how Sophie got into singing and acting, and how much Tom adored his dog, Tessa.

Before they knew it the sun was going down so they rushed back to Sophie's hotel just hang out there. Luckily Tom's hotel wasn't too far from Sophie's, so he could leave whenever he wanted to.

So they hopped on the bed and sat far, but beside eachother and watched a movie. Tom insisted on watching In the Heart of the Sea, and Sophie didn't complain, so they watched it.

When Tom had left Sophie and they said their goodbyes, the two of them went to bed with big smiles on their face.

does atlanta have beaches idk

also, double update!! what did i tell ya

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