36 | real life

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Sophie put down her phone and laughed as she sat beside Tom. "What's so funny darling?" Tom asks holding her hand. "The fans, the indirects between the two of us are killing them." she smiles. Tom just laughs when Sophie speaks up again, "When are we going to tell them?" Tom kisses her lightly, "Soon."


Tom has never been so happier with Sophie, they've been dating for about 4 months and they haven't even been official just yet. The two of them love spending time with each other, although they never really talk about when they'll announce it. Tom stayed in LA with Sophie after the New Years party and decided he would stay another month so he could spend time before and after her birthday. He wanted her birthday to be special.

So while Sophie was busy, Tom was searching for Sophie's gift. But he was stumped and had no idea what to get her. So he asked Emily for help. And as soon as Emily mentioned that Sophie loved jewelry, Tom had an idea. So he drove out to town to the closest jewelry store.

When he bought his gift, he sat back in the car and stared at the present and smiled. He knew she would love it. He knows her too well. And when he showed Emily the gift when Sophie was out, Emily started to tear up. "She'll love it. You're great at getting gifts." Tom laughed.

Tom realized he only had one thing left to complete the present; a card. So he grabbed the nearest pen and a blank piece of paper and wrote away.

"dearest sophie,

              where do i start with you? let me tell you sophie avery hills. i am so whipped over you. you have me thinking about you 24/7 and you make me crazy, but also the happiest man on earth. these past 4 months with you have been so amazing. although we were in different countries for 2 months, nothing kept us apart. i mean, we had facetime and skype, what more do we need? all those late night calls, texts, and video chats are things i will always cherish with me. i remember the day we met. i thought you were beautiful. i couldn't resist to ask to see you once again. but that one night on the ferris wheel, i knew i wanted you to be mine. and i'm so glad you're finally mine. so i hope whenever you wear my gift to you for your birthday, you think of me, you think of the day we met, and the day we got together and more memories of our relationship, because just know with this little gift, even if we're apart we'll always be together.

i hope you have the best 21st birthday, darling.

i love you.


He sealed the letter up and taped it to his gift.

That's the very first time Tom will say those 3 important words to Sophie. He loves her. So much. Little does he know she feels the same way back.

"Tom! Where are you?" Sophie called from the doorway. Tom looked up with wide eyes and threw the present somewhere safe where she couldn't find it. "Up here love!" Tom shouted from the bedroom, scrambling around to make sure all the wrapping paper was cleaned up. "Why are you panting?" Sophie says confused as to why Tom was just lying on the bed while his chest is rapidly rising up and down. "I- uh just went to the gym! Yeah, the gym that's where i was." Tom nervously replies. Sophie just lets it slide, "Okay?" She laughs and walks over to Tom to kiss him.

"You're birthday is tomorrow" Tom reminds her as he throws her beside him on the bed. Sophie squeals and laughs, "I'm old!" Tom just laughs at her. "I'm so excited to see everyone, I know we literally saw them like 2 weeks ago but they're like family to me." Sophie says. Tom nods in agreement and just kisses her. He loves kissing her, it always makes him happy and every single time their lips touch a spark flies between the two of them.

Sophie is just as whipped over Tom as he is. She was at the studio today and was actually writing a song about Tom, her song writers always tell her to write about real life events and feelings, and immediately Tom came to her mind. All her feelings towards Tom just spilled on a piece of paper. And in a matter of no time they got a beat and halfway finished the song. And the perfect way to end her day? Tom waiting at home for her.

"Where's Harrison and Em?" Sophie asks. "They went to go get pizza for all of us for dinner." Tom replies. "I honestly have no idea how those two aren't together yet. They're made for each other I swear! They never parted since Haz arrived." Sophie says. "Haz really likes Em too. He's being too much of a pussy to ask her out." Tom laughs as well as Sophie.

They both hear the door open only to hear Emily yell, "Dinners here!" Sophie quickly kissed Tom before she got up. But as soon as she got up Tom pulled her back to give her another kiss, which then soon turned into a make out.

"Din- Hey! Stop fucking each other and get out here before the pizza gets cold." Haz yells as well as covering his eyes. Sophie and Tom just roll their eyes as they got up hand in hand to the kitchen table to get their dinner.


this chapter was so cute i couldn't stop smiling while writing this :)))

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