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Chapter One

I was born two and a half months premature, my dad told me when I was born, I was the smallest baby he had ever seen, my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, I wasn't  breathing. Everyone thought I was a stillborn baby; but when I started to cry everyone knew I was alive. Unfortunately mother didn't make it, she passed minutes after giving birth to me from pushing too hard, causing  damage to her brain. From a newborn till I was four, life was pretty normal, had an older sister who secretly hated me for I don't know what and always treated me like shit, till the day Amber was waking me up, her words as sharp as a knife, dad was killed in the line of duty, a policemen by day, I remember crying and all my sister could do was rub my back, she slept with me that night to comfort me, I had lost both my parents in my first four years of life. I wasn't like most kids, their parents split up, still visiting them on the weekends, I had lost both my parents forever, and I didn't understand why, why god picked me to have no parents at my age.

I started kindergarten when I was six, yes it was hard not having my parents drop me off everyday, give me a kiss on the forehead and wish me a good day like most kids, what I did have was a hard working sister who at the time was only twelve trying her best to find work, she quit school so she could take care of me and my needs full-time before her own. I remember walking out of school and my sister waiting for me, we would go home and she would make me a bowl of Kraft dinner, it was all she was able to afford, thankfully for her I loved the stuff. I didn't make much friends, I was alone at recess and lunch, when the new kid arrived, that's when my luck changed. Or so I thought, her name was Sofia, she became my best friend the minute we laid eyes on each other. It was like God intended us to be sisters, not by blood, but by bond. We would hangout all the time, sleepovers were a must at each other's houses which gave my sister time to herself.

We were friends for two months, November 27th, was the day I lost my best friend.

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