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Chapter Two

It started out as a normal day, it was time for recess when I heard a teacher scream, telling everyone to get inside, I ran as fast as my little legs could, I remember turning around to make  sure  Sofia was coming, she was, then I heard a loud noise and the teacher closed the doors, she began to comfort us,"don’t worry, everything is going to be okay”. I was trying to find Sofia, ‘Sofia…Sofia where are you?” I yelled as loud as my little voice could reach. I remember hearing sirens, they reminded me of my dad when he was on duty, and then the loud noises stopped. A policemen rush to the door, he told the teacher to keep us inside until they could contact our parents to come get us. When my sister finally arrived, the first thing she did was hug me, she was crying and trembling, she didn't give me a chance to ask before she picked me up and held my face against her chest so I couldn't see anything. When she walked outside with me, all I could hear was more sirens and people screaming and crying every where, one of them I recognized as Sofia’s parents, I moved my head to look at them and that’s when I saw her. My best friend, lying in her own pool of blood, which my sister later explained I survived a school shouting. I pushed away from my sister and ran to Sofia’s side, covered in her blood I was crying.

I had nightmares every night, every time I closed my eyes, it was like I was there all over again, standing above her, covered in her blood, with her soft blond hair split by the bullet whole in the back of her head. I was seven when my sister and I moved to the United States so I could go to school without reliving the memory, or should I say nightmare of Sofia.  I walked through the school doors and knew I would be a loner, I kept my distance from the other kids, fearing I would get attached and they would leave me too. Because my sister’s pay was low, since she was the newbie, she couldn’t afford to buy my birthday gift on my birthday, but it was worth waiting for,  his name was Scooby, and he was my chocolate lab.

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