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Chapter Twelve...

I ended up moving in with Alexis and her family; which was actually pretty cool, I still missed my sister though, Jeremy and I wrote to each other when we had the chance.

After a while everything went back to normal, Luke got a boyfriend; really sweet guy named Joey; which I found so ironic because the three of us had boyfriends with their names stating with the letter J.  James, Justin and Joey; became friends really fast; and ended up all playing football together. James was so smart this year he skipped a grade and we were all in the same classes; everything seemed so perfect; or so I thought.

Sabrina started to go through a depression, she would cut herself and make depressing remarks, she wouldn't want to hang out with us as much anymore and rather stay in her dark room all the time; thank god she went to therapy and started to get better; she was diagnose with Boulimia; she would eat a lot; then she would go to the bathroom and puke it all up. One day we were at school and Sabrina was just sitting there eating one meatball sub after another, before  we knew it there were five wrappers in front of all of us; the boys, Alexis and I started to get really worried about Sabrina's health. Sabrina made her way to the bathroom again like her new usual task ; after the bell rang for the juniors to come out; she still wasn't back; that's when we knew something was wrong.

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