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Chapter Twenty-One

When I got out; I took the money and ran out the door; I didn't know where to go; but I then remembered That Luke and Joey lived together.

When I got there; I begged them to let me stay with them till I could find myself a place; surprisingly they let me stay for free and said they would help me out with everything; save up their money not to help me buy a house; oh no; so they could buy a bigger house and I'd live with them; mostly because I had lost my sister; future brother in law; my boyfriend and because I was pregnant; they said because I had helped Luke with the bullying; it was the least they could do for their single teen mom friend.

"We; would absolutely love to be the baby's uncles" said Luke.
"Yeah; gay uncles" said Joey jokingly.

Which made me smile; since this baby was like its mommy; and had no one; it had two awesome uncles; or as my sister used to call everything; two amaze balls uncles.

"I'm so scared though guys"


"Because I lost my mother when I was born; lost my dad four years later; my sister a couple months ago and my future brother in law; a couple days ago"

"Aww; don't worry honey" Luke replied.

"You have us" Joey Agreed.

"Thanks guys"

"Okay so names please" Luke said laughing.

"Yes please" Joey agreed.

"For a boy; maybe Ethan; for a girl; I don't know yet."

"LOVE IT!" they both said at the same time.

To Be Continued...

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