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Chapter Eight...

I should have known better; or known when they were waving to me like that; but it all happened so fast, before I knew it I was waking up in the hospital; Alexis and Sabrina were there, James and Justin too; and my sister and her fiancé Jeremy; they got engaged last month while I was on the three weeks break; and the one person I thought I wouldn't ever see be in my hospital room; Luke. When Amber and Jermy left to get me something to eat I asked what happened; they said when I turned to give them a thumbs up that all was good; they saw something shimmer in the light; when they waved to me to run; I didn't listen, they said I turned and had a three inch blade stabbed into my lower abdomen; they started running towards me and I immediately fell down, James called 911 and the others sat around me, I laughed when the girls told me I was surprisingly calm and told them not to touch the knife; my first aid instincts must have kicked in; not knowing if the blade pierced any of my organs, it might have caused me to bleed out. When visitors hours were over I went on my cell on facebook, I was surprised to see so many people wishing me good health and to get better, after that I went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, the girls, the boys including Luke and Jermy were in my room; but no Amber. The girls and Luke were balling their eyes out; and I just knew.
"What happened, how did Amber die?" I said.
The room was silent for a few minutes...

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