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Chapter Fifteen...

When we went on our Christmas holidays; before our mid-term exams; Alexis, Justin, James and I; snuck out late at night and went out to a Cody Simpson concert; we had a blast, even at the after party.

I think James and I had a little too much to drink after the concert; before I knew it we were in the back of his 1976 two door red and white Ford Gran Torino, we were making out and it was getting so intense; I felt myself having the urge to unbutton his blue and white plaid t-shirt.

"Are you sure about this Brooklyn?" he stopped.

"Positive baby" I said continuing to unbutton his shirt.

He started to pull my shirt over my head; reviling my purple lace bra, he gave me a quick smirk and we continued kissing; he began to unbutton my skinny jeans as I unbuttoned his jeans; reviling my matching purple lace underwear; him in his black boxers; we looked at each other I knew; that this was the moment where I locked everything out; all my fears and worries; the moment I became one with the love of my life; the moment; I would lose my virginity. Before I knew it; I could feel the energy pulsing between our two sweaty naked bodies; I was slowly subdued when he began to kiss down my neck; down past my bare chest; down my belly button; and then he stopped, mid-point when he noticed my "Stay Positive" tattoo on right side of my hip.
"When did you get this?"
"After my sister died; it was something she always said when I was down"
"And the bird?"
"My sister; so she flies with me wherever I go"

He nodded in agreement and came back up to kiss me softly on the lips, I could tell he was scared; worried even; he would do something wrong; so I did the dirty work; he was as stiff as a bored; which turned me on even more; perfect  for some sitting and rocking.

"Wait" he screamed before I sat on him; pulling his jeans towards him and pulling out a condom.

"Just in case"

"Good idea"

I let him slip it on; and sat on him; rocking back and forth; he held on to me by my hips; with each thrust; I got more and more into it; with each thrust I went faster and faster; he got harder and harder inside me. Before I knew it; I was out of breath; but I couldn't stop until he then let of the softest grunt; clenching on to my hips so hard that I let out a little grunt myself; I rolled off of him and laid next to him.

"Wow; that" he said and I cut him off.
"Yeah" he whispered.
"We better go find Alexis and Ju.." I started to say when he cut me off.
"Oh we're not done; it's your turn now" he said and smirked.
"What? My turn?"
He then got on top of me; he kissed me ever so softly on the lips; and moved to my neck; he started to bite and suck like a sexy vampire; slowly moving down to my bare chest; as he sucked on my breast; I could feel my skin grow goosebumps at such a pleasure; he looked up at me and smirked; in that moment I knew he was up to no good. He continued to move down my body until he got to between my legs; that's when I figured out what he was up to; and before I could stop him; he made me feel this unbearable pleasure suddenly and in that moment; I couldn't stop him. It grew more and more intense, with each thrust of his hot wet tongue; it felt like fireworks of pleasure; I   grabbed at anything I could get my hands on; so hard I could barely feel my fingers.

"Oh my...ohh...oh my...god!"
"Do you want me to sto-" I then cut him off.
"Don't stop!"
He continued and I felt this feeling I've never felt before; almost like my whole body was electrocuted; my body trembled and I let out the biggest moan. Both of us were grasping for breath; our lungs feeling like collapsing; our bodies; hot and sweaty; our muscles; none existent; our love; unbreakable.

When we got out of the car; we noticed Alexis and Justin coming out of the park with messy hair and undone buttons; clearly pointing out; I wasn't the only one who rode the wild pony that night.

"Did you guys see that moon?" James asked as a joke.

"we were preoccupied" Justin replied and smirked at Alexis.

"As were we" I replied.

"You lost your virginity Brook!?!" Alexis exclaimed.

"You make it sound like I never would" I said giggling.

"Yeah well I'm sure the car is better then the park "

"Hey Justin; can you drive please" James asked handing him the keys.

"Sure little bro"

The scary part was waking up in the hospital; two weeks later; I woke up to the sound of doctors and Alexis's mom.

"Whaa-what happened...?"

"Why am I here...why am I in the hospital?"

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