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Chapter 3 ~ taken

Tami watches with a scrunched nose as Joshua eats his pasta. "Your a pig you know that." she didn't get a reply at first because he was so caught up in being a pig.

"Well I am a guy." the muscular boy shrugs, continuing to stuff his face.

"Gross." she whispers and looks down at her own food. Today the canteen had a special of pasta and pizza. She had gotten the same as Josh, however, less sauce.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Tami shook her head and gave him the plate, watching as he dug into hers. How can one boy eat so much? Its crazy. "Hey, did you hear that the infamous Bad Girl left school grounds?" she did know. Tami had watched as the notorious Wynter leave just before speaking to a blonde cheerleader briefly.

The Bad Girl never noticed Tami, just like others. Though the popular come if only they want something or to cause the girl pain.

A loud bell thrust her away from her thoughts and focus. "Hey, I got to go see coach. Will you be alright?" Josh was worried but knew that his best friend could handle herself if needed.

"Yeah. Go to coach." he nodded, patted her head before walking out of the cafeteria. Tami sighed and chucked away her trash before going to last period. Maybe something exciting will happen in English. Maybe she'll be able to leave early before all the popular crowd chase her down. Tami was lucky that non of them were in her classes.

~After class~

She was lost in her thoughts, Tami didn't even realise the bell had gone to end the day. No one was in the room which just left her. She sighed and packed away before leaving the empty room.

Tami felt her phone vibrate. Her mother messaged her saying Tami's father and herself were out on a date and wouldn't be back till late. It stung that her parents didn't consider that maybe Tami wanted to hang out with them. Guess not.

With a hung head she started walking, not forgetting to plug her earphones in. Walking home with music was way better for time to pass on the 20 minute walk.

It was never in her favour to walk but she didn't have a car, nor a license.

She hummed against her violin and piano music and had a skip in her steps. Tami was quite glad that today was over and done with. Before she could turn the corner of her street, two pairs of arms locked hers behind her back. "Get off!" Tami tried fighting the two jocks but they werent having it.

She continued sobbing and struggling, wanting to badly run away. "Stop moving! Your coming with us." Tami spotted Taylor grinning in triumph. What does this blonde want to achieve?

"Please let me go..." she sobbed, still trying to pull away.

"Awe is the baby gonna cry? Where's your boyfriend now?" the blonde mocked and nodded her head towards the boys holding her down. "Knock her out. Not so much she misses out her spotlight, tonight." stars flashed before her eyes and pain danced on her skull. Tami was falling to darkness and Taylor was the last thing she saw before her eyelids dropped.

She Took My heart - Heart Series BK 1(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now