Chapter 1: The Beginning of Hell

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Chapter One: The Beginning of Hell

“SELENA!?!” My teachers won’t let me dream in peace will they.

“Yes?” I can’t help but smirk at my own sarcasm. “5”

“5 What? This is English!” I just have to finish up this year living.

“Fine then Shakespeare.”

“Give me a correct answer rather than waste my time.” SHIT I can’t think of the question. What were we supposed to be doing anyway? Jack kept nudging me I could only do my best to ignore it. I ended up giving him a “what do you want?!” kind of look and he gestured to the board which said “The best Edgar Allen Poe stories of all time”.

“The Raven or maybe Black Cat; I honestly can’t decide.”  I said with a genuine smile. If only Edgar Allen Poe was alive now. The bell rang signaling the end of the day. SCORE.

I ran home avoiding any alley ways and avoiding the park. It wasn’t a very easy task when both are directly across from each other. I decided to take my chances and went through the park; in hoping that if I got chased down by the “jocks” I will have a better chance of someone deciding to help me.

I run as fast as my feet can carry me (why do I have to suck at running).  I see the guys. Next thing I see is a tree (well I guess I don’t really see it because I run into it). Everything went black.

“Bitch, wake up.” *slap* It was a little bright out but the surrounding changed I was in the ally. I call it the ally because it’s the stereotypical ally that someone would get raped in. In fact I’m pretty sure the rape story from last week occurred here…Fuck. My. Life. This was the last place I want to be, but I hear a familiar voice.

“GET AWAY FROM HER!” Rachel but not happy go lucky Rachel. No this was back away or I will rip out your jugular and choke you with it Rachel.

“Make me.”

I heard a punch. I got worried. Then I felt a full on kick. I heard another punch then a “Bitch” and moan. I then I got up and ran with Rachel not looking back.

We went to her house. I told her I should go and she didn’t really care (I think she was too out of breath).

I strolled home not knowing if my mom was still there. She had to come home early so my dad could drop something off and then she had to go to work again. I don’t mind if she isn’t home I just hope that Seth isn’t home yet.

I reached my house to see the worst sight imaginable.

“W-W-W-WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!?!” I could barely get the words out. All I could see was the black framework of what used to be my home. Then I noticed Seth smirking. It was that smirk that he gets when he enters my room. He was about to grab my arm when I saw something shiny and started running to it. It was my replica of Sweeney Todd’s razor I would have to clean it, but it looked beautiful with the ash on it I picked it up and put it in my pocket.

“Where’s mom? Is she at work? Will she be home soon?” I ask too many questions but it always buys me time.

“She just came out.” He said smirking again then gesturing to the ambulance. Then he looked back at me. “You get to stay with me.”

“You did this didn’t you?! You psychopath!” He grabbed my arms and I started thrashing around uncontrollably. I couldn’t bear the thought of me in a house with the abusive pervert that is my, what would be, ex-step-father. I could barely breathe. I decided to run again, to Rachel’s. 


I'm on an editing spree today!!!!!!!!

Song I'm listening to: I'll Be by Edwin McCain (This song is absolutely godly!)

Look for more updates! hopefully by the end of the weekend I will have every chapter edited and I'll start writing new chapters!!!

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