Chapter 2: A Changing Moment

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Chapter 2: A Realization

I got to Rachel’s and saw a car I have never noticed before I wasn’t sure if I should go inside. I sat outside for a little and saw Seth’s car, which isn’t hard to notice because in the front it has a huge bumper sticker. I ran inside and bumped into someone (I run into things far too often). He turned around, and me thinking it was Rachel’s mom’s boyfriend I said “Hey loser. What have you been up to?”

I was so far off! I feel like a complete idiot now, SHIT!!!!

In his almost soothing British accent he said “Hello love, I don’t believe we have met.”

At that moment, I couldn’t process anything. Not that I was running away. Not even why I was here. I drew a complete blank on everything.

While stuttering I said “I – I – I – I don’t th-think we have.”

He smirked and chuckled “My guess is that you’re Selena.” All I could do was nod. “Well my pleasure.”

Rachel slapped me across the face and “I snapped out of it” why she couldn’t have just snapped her fingers in front of my face or something? I don’t know. Damn! He was standing right in front of me James Cassells of Asking Alexandria. I thought I was going to die on the spot.

I finally came entirely back to reality. “Is your mom home yet?” I said turning to Rachel.

“Nope, not yet anyway.” Rachel said with gleam. I could hear Seth’s car coming closer I was about to have a panic attack. I thought everyone around me could hear my heart pounding.

“Where is the best hiding place?” Once I said that Rachel’s face went from extremely happy to pissed and scared.

“Same place as always. What’s the cover story?” She said while getting louder as I started to run to my hiding spot.

As I was sliding down the laundry chute I screamed “Ask why then say that I went past this house over down the street!!!” I landed in the dirty clothes. They don’t smell the best but it was a lot better than living with that pervert.

I was trying to listen to their conversation when I heard running then I saw feet. Once the feet were extremely close I felt pain. A lot of it.


Song I'm listening to: Can You Feel The Love Tonight from The Lion King

I didn't change too much in this chapter, but well yeah. 


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