Chapter 5: Meet and Greet

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Chapter 5: Meet and Greet

I immediately sat up holding my leg, trying to get the razor out. It wasn’t working very well and was just causing more pain. James’ phone began to play Dear Insanity. Rachel and I, being the dorks we know we are, started singing along. My attention was immediately pulled back to my throbbing leg. Rachel continued and then answered the phone as James was reaching for it.

“James’ phone. How may I be of service?” Rachel perkily answered the phone.

“Alright. Well we are making a detour to the hospital.” She paused while waiting for whom ever it was to finish answering. “James is fine, but it would be helpful for you to meet us there or one of you anyway” I now realized who she was talking to. Of course I should have been able to tell for the fact that she couldn’t stop smiling. “Well here’s James.” She said as she handed the phone over.

“Eh. Sorry I may be running a little late.” Pause. “Well you guys could meet me at the hospital and talk about it over there.” A longer pause. “Damn, fine well if it matters there are two girls that I think all of you should meet.” A quick breath. “My sister and her friend. Alright well see you there. Bye mate.”

Rachel looked almost enraged. I smirked. Though it was more of a sister enragement rather than actual enragement. I just realized I should say something as we were pulling into the emergency room lot area. James picked me up and brought me into the hospital. He was screaming for help noticing the huge blood spot on my pants (thank god it was on the side or else this would have been a bit awkward).

“How did this happen?” Said one of the very concerned doctors.

“I was sleeping and rolled over on a knife that was in my pocket.” I started blushing as I realized how dumb and embarrassing it was to say that.

“We will get that out in just a moment but you are going to have to sleep for a little while is that alright?” One of the younger ones said. I just nodded as they were trying to place the mask on my face gently. I was only within a few seconds or a minute that I passed out.

I woke up to a very bright light then my eyes adjusted. I saw the doctor next to me.

“Would you like me to send your other friends in?” The doctor was fixing my IV and noticed I was awake. I nodded. There was no pain in my leg anymore just an ace bandage. They probably doped me up on drugs.

“Rachel.” I was trying to sit up but then someone pushed me down. I looked over and it was Ben Bruce.

I looked down at my attire, which was a hospital gown… just a hospital gown. This is not what I wanted to meet some of the hottest guys in.


Song I'm listening to: Vermilion, Pt. 2 by Slipknot

Sooo I kinda got side tracked last weekend and right now I'm home doing nothing because cheer was cancelled... I'm really happy about that though.

Hopefully I can continue updating so I can write more to these stories... I'M SO EXCITED!!

Vote comment fan you know the whole deal.

I lovies you!!


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