Chapter 6: Insanity

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Chapter 6: Insanity

“Hey are you alright?” Rachel just had to barge in on what could have been a happy moment for me.

“I’m alright, how are you?” I asked trying to hide my fan girly excitement. She shooed off Ben. He left and quickly closed the door.

“I am fucking AMAZING! Why couldn’t I have found out sooner that my brother was god damn James Cassells.” She said with a lot of excitement.

“I am very happy that you’re enjoying yourself.” I think I am in so much shock that I can’t show emotion because I thought I was going to scream something really random.

“What was going on with Ben?” She asked attentively. I smirked.

“Oh my” I started trying to tease her. “Absolutely…. Nothing” My voice became flat when I said “nothing.”

 “You’re no fun.” She looked kind of mad then back to regular Rachel. “So, I think my eye is caught on Danny.” She said smirking.

I giggled. “Danny? Really, I think you could have a better pick though I think those merch girls have Cameron and Sam so I guess not.” I giggled again.

The doctor came in a moment later. “Well if I could release you to a guardian. You are free to go but try not to do anything with that leg.” SHIT I don’t know what I am going to do now. Obviously I am not going to call Seth asking if he can sign me out. I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do. I started shaking. Rachel ran out and was talking to James I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Rachel came back in with James. She calmed me down while James signed the papers. I changed into the Black Veil Brides shirt and black skinny jeans Rachel had brought me. And was about to leave when I remembered something.

“Where is my razor?” I asked to anyone who was willing to listen. Then the nurse looked at me.

“I have it in the room over, but we don’t think you should have it.” She looked down to my arms. I ran back in the bathroom applying make-up to my scars forgetting that I hadn’t before. I came out and asked for my razor once more. She still replied no. I saw a flash of red and blacked out.

Rachel’s POV

We were talking about what we should do later. Then we heard screaming. James, Ben and I were fighting over entering the room. We saw Selena knocking over The IV post and start shaking the bed, basically throwing a two-year-old tantrum. James and I looked at each other not having a clue what to do. We went to look at Ben but he started running to her. He gave her a huge bear hug not allowing her to move what so ever.

Selena’s POV

My vision started coming back, but I had no clue what I was doing I felt myself shaking something when something was wrapped around me. I was still shaking and couldn’t stop. I was slowly calming down and gaining control over my body again when someone whispered in my ear.

“Shh, love, you’ll be alright I’m right here. Calm down. You’re alright.” It was Ben I could tell he was worried for me his voice was a little shaky. I stopped moving and just started crying in his arms. He kissed my head. I was so scared. I was unaware of what happened, but I noticed the IV post was knocked over and the bed was not against the wall anymore. I was still shaking and looked up at Ben. He just petting my hair trying to make sure I was calm. I looked over to see James and Rachel. And in front of the rest of the guys were a bunch of doctors. They all looked either worried or frightened, but the doctors looked awed. I was so embarrassed. I buried my face in Ben’s chest again.

Then I realized what was happening. I quick saw the nurse give James my razor and she said something to him. I looked around, ran up to James took my razor and exited the room to the car. Everyone followed. I felt like a leader for once. I liked this feeling.


Song I'm listening to: Good Life by Three Days Grace

Another one!!

So yeah... I'm going to this 30th aniversary thing for this camp/ child caring thing tonight so yeah I get to see some people who I haven't seen in a while so I'm excited for that.

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I lovies you!


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