Chapter 13: Hell Holes

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It is kinda suckish but i needed a time filler. Enjoy.


Chapter 13: Hell Holes.

At that moment everything around me paused. It was him wasn’t it? He was someone who could actually love me, truly, not anything but honesty.

“Andy, I-“

“Please don’t say anything. I want to think your answer is what is in my head.”

I kissed him again softly just enough to let him know my answer.

“I am hoping that was the answer that was in your head.” He smiled and carried me to his bunk. He took off his shirt and climbed in. I wasn’t afraid of his reactions to anything. He pulled me closer to him. I was resting my head on his bare chest. He brushed his fingers through my hair repetitively.

“Are you thinking?”

“What do I have to think about?”

“I don’t know, maybe some explanations.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. How are your other band mates’ gunna take me and Rachel joining you guys?”

“I don’t know, but that’s a topic for later right now we should get some sleep.”

“Alright, good night I guess.”

“Good night Selena.” He wrapped his arms around me after he turned off the light. I pecked his lips and went back to resting my head on him. I kept fidgeting till I knew he was asleep. I got up and took my pills and went to get back in bed but when I got to the bunk I saw Andy wide awake.

“So can I finally get some sleep?”

“Wait, have you been up the whole time?”

“Yeah I told you I have insomnia.”

“I didn’t realize how bad it was. I forgot to let you take your pill. I am so sorry if I had known you were up, I would have stayed up as well.”

“It’s fine. But now that I have done everything I need to do for now can we go to sleep?”

“Of course, do you want to sleep in tomorrow?”

“It doesn’t matter you can wake me up if you want to. Do you mind if I wake you up? I hate asking but I don’t want to be up with purvey Purdy.”

“Sure, to be honest I don’t want you be awake with him either.” He chuckled. I giggled then I became serious.

“Was it true? What you said yesterday I mean.”

“What do you mean?”

“The loving someone thing, you were talking about.”

“It has never been truer than this moment.”

“Oh, well off to bed I guess.”


“What do you want?! Damn, you scared me.”

“Sorry, but you’re in school aren’t you?”

“I don’t have to go.”

“Sure you do I will drive you on Monday. Who would want to miss senior year?”

“Please I really don’t want to go. Anyway you did. Senior year is the same as the others and I don’t want to remember any year.”

“Fine, do you want to hang out with anyone outside of school?”

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