Chapter 8: Addictive Games

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Chapter 8: Addictive Games

We have been talking to each other for about an hour. All of us. Whenever I see Ashley zoned out he is staring at Rachel. I can’t allow this. I have to talk to him. How? I don’t know.

“Who wants to play a game?!” CC said in anticipation.

Everyone one said yes in some way except me. Everyone turned and looked at me. I started blushing.

“Um sure, but what game?” I asked.

“Well ladies choice.” Danny and Cameron said. Looking at the girls that were on one side of the room except me I was in between Andy and Ben. I got up and we talked it through. Nicole and Addison hopped up and in unison said “NEVER HAVE I EVER!!!!!” Ben, Ashley, and Danny all mouthed “Damn!” I just giggled.

We had been playing for a while when it was Andy’s turn. “Never have I ever said I loved someone and didn’t mean it.” Everyone except Andy and I took something off. Ashley and Ben were down to socks and boxers. Cameron, CC, Danny, and Sam had pants on as well. Addison and Nicole were at bra underwear and socks. Rachel had pants on. James went to get us drinks. Andy and I still had pretty much everything on except jewelry. “Alright I guess it’s my turn. Never have I ever played 7 minutes in heaven nor spin the bottle.” I said everyone stared at me Jinxx ran in the room screaming “what?!” I just laughed. I saw Ashley staring at Rachel again. I can’t keep letting this go. Everyone took something off except I. Ashley was down to his boxers. I might as well have some fun with this. I got up to go outside. I drew my hand down his back and he immediately got up and followed.

“So, what do you want this evening?” He said trying to be charming.

“I want you to stop staring at Rachel. Do you see how happy she is? You can’t ruin this for her!” I sort of yelled. He looked extremely startled.

“I am what? I don’t mean to but she is hot.” He said honestly.

“I am not going to let her end up with some manwhore.” I said then looked down and started walking back. He grabbed my arm and spun me around.

“You know that Danny is a manwhore, too.” He said actually concerned.

“Of course I do, but when was the last time you had an actual girlfriend.” I questioned him. I heard James yelling.

“Get back in here we are playing a game you have been missing out on.” He hollered to me.

Ashley and I went back in. They had a bottle set up in the middle of the room. Well one of the games I haven’t played yet will be interesting.

“Whose gonna spin first.” I asked kind of worried. Everyone looked at me.

“Newbies first.” Danny said and I rolled my eyes.

I sat down with everyone else directly across from Ben and Andy. Ashley sat down next to me. Andy and Ben both looked at me with concern. I shook my head letting them know that there wasn’t anything going on between us.

I spun the bottle and then caught Ashley staring at Rachel again. I elbowed him in the side.

“What was that for?” He said

“You know exactly what is was for” I said in a very flat tone.

The bottle landed on Danny. Rachel got a little mad so she decided to say something about it.

“Why don’t we play it my way? Ok, so the first person the bottle lands on says what they have to do with the second person it lands on.” She said we all nodded. I spun again and it landed on James I looked at Rachel a bit worried. She shrugged telling me it was fine.

“Alright, so kiss.” Danny said being cautious of the fact it was Rachel’s brother.

James and I kissed it wasn’t anything big merely just a peck.

Ashley spun it landed on Andy then on Meghan (BVB merch girl).

“Make-out” Andy commanded. Ashley was holding nothing back and neither was Meghan. Ashley tried lifting up Meghan’s shirt when Andy tried to stop them by saying “I said make-out not to the point of you two getting a room.”

With that they stopped. It was James’ turn I didn’t really pay attention until it was Andy’s turn and even then I didn’t pay attention. I had a feeling someone was staring at me. Rachel slapped me and I came back.

“What?” I said trying to catch up on reality.

“I said kiss Andy.” Ashley said smirking.

I knew this wouldn’t end in my favor. I promised myself not to kiss anyone and here we go perfect. I got up and moved back in between Andy and Ben. Andy put his arms around my waist pulling me in a little. I thought of when I saw Ben again and how he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in. I put my hands around his neck grabbing my right wrist with my left hand. We kissed I did but didn’t want it to end. It was torturing me yet at the same time it was consuming me, pulling me in with every second. I backed away after a few seconds. I was worried if I kept going it would be letting him know I am his and vulnerable. I am vulnerable at times yes but I am not his.

I felt like everyone was staring. Ben spun since I moved back. It landed on Ashley and then me. I knew it I was officially screwed.

“One more kiss.” He said teasing. My heart sank as I saw Andy’s blue eyes melt into me. I looked at Ben and he looked at me the same way Andy did when Ashley told us to kiss. I feel like Ash knew how I felt about them. Though I don’t even know how I feel.

I moved back over in between them. Ben leaned in and pulled me to him as well. I did the same thing I did with Andy. I didn’t want one to think I like the other more. I knew I should have stopped. I couldn’t I felt a little reckless yet safe. I don’t see how it was possible but that’s how I am feeling I can’t think straight. We were done in the same amount of time Andy and I were done. I stood up and started walking out. Everyone looked at me really confused.

“Where is the party at?” I said kind of teasingly to Andy and Ben. I didn’t want to keep up with it, but I didn’t want these addictive games to end.


I was listening to a bunch of songs

I promise it will get better! :) <3 ya always

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