Chapter 16:

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The past few weeks have been very eventful well kind of. So I have been dating Ben for a month Andy has been seeing this girl on and off for the past two weeks. SLEEPING WITH SIRENS JOINED THE TOUR YESTERDAY HAPPY MOMENT. Other than that nothing interesting.

My goal for today is hanger as many people as I can. For those of us not cool enough to know what hangering is it is where you try to slip hangers on peoples belt loops without them noticing. It's very easy to do it at a party where everyone is drunk but when no one is shitfaced it is a skill. Luckily Rachel Ashley and I have this skill. My newest target is Ronnie Radke. If you haven't noticed I'm not the brightest person. Rachel bumped into him and they were talking so I slipped it through the loop and ran away once I was far enough away I let my happiness out.


Someone tapped my shoulder intrupting my happy dance.

"Would you like to hanger Kellin Quinn?" Ashley asked me. I nodded me head rapidly in anticipation. We created our plan of attack and went for it.

I was "wandering" around waiting to bump into Kellin. Ashley shouldn't be that far behind me so he can participate in his part.

"I'm soo sorry, I really need to watch where I'm going." I said. I saw Ashley ever so slowly started coming up behind him.

"It's no biggy. I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?" He asked cunfussion apparent it his features.

"Oh, I'm Selena, I've been on this tour hanging out with Asking Alexandria and Black Veil Brides."

"Well, it's been a pleasure talking with you, but I have to get ready for our show. Are you going to be there?" Ashley was extremely close to getting here.

"Most deffinitely. Have fun." I said with a smile. Ashley hooked it on as Kellin was walking away and sadly it came off.

"HA!!!! You failed." I gloated to him.

"Only because he started walking away."

"Still... HA!" We started laughing and walking away. 

I went to change so I walked over to the AA bus after saying bye to Ashley. I turned the corner and saw Ben shoving his tounge down a slut's throat. 

No, that can't be. I'm used to him being drunk and doing this but even then he only has done this once and he was shitfaced. It's way to early for him to be like that. I just stood there not knowing what to do. I was shaking and before I knew it I went behind the bus and curled up in a ball and started sobbing in hysterics yet there were no tears. I was so numb. There are no words to describe this. All of a sudden I heard yelling.

"Ben! What the hell, mate?!?!" James exlaimed. I didn't wait for Ben's excuse I couldn't take the thought. I started crying again.

I felt something on my shoulder but I shrugged it off.

"Hey, what's wrong? You know it isn't safe to hide this close to a bus." I looked up to two deep blue eyes peircing mine. I scoffed.

"I honestly don't think I could have been more thoughtless." He looked at me concerned.

"What happened?"

"Ben happened. Saves the day and a little while later screws it all up."

"Well, I vote that we note suffer relationship pain and go on a pleasent picnic. We can make an I'm-Single-And-You're-Probably-Not club" I laughed at that.

"Wait, since when are you single?"

"For a while. It was a mutual decision. It was just bad for both of us."

"Oh, sorry, back to the picnic idea; we don't have food."

"That's true."He looked very deep into thought.

"How about you get us a blanket and I shall get pepperoni pizza? Sounds good?"

"Yeah, lets do that. Meet me in front of my bus when you have the pizza." I went across the street to get pizza and came back with a small pepperoni pizza and some water. I knocked on the BVB bus door and Jinxx opened it.

"Hey, is Andy in there?" He looked really confused.

"No, he said he was going on a date and that it was something last minute." 

"Oh, well, I thought he would have text me. Oh well. I will see you guys later." I looked at my phone. He couldn't have made plans so quickly. Well, maybe he can.


Song I'm listening to: I'm not sure but I am listeing to a radio station that plays AMAZING music.

I UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRAY FOR SAVANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was struggling so much but then I found a new hope! 

It was a little cliffey wasn't it. Yeah, no not really. I should be updating soon it's just my computer is going to be dead in like 2 seconds so I had to stop writing for today.

I HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I'm genuinely happy I got this up it has been several months and I started to feel really bad. So, here you go. Vote, Comment. Tell me what you would like to see.

OH! For any of you rooting for Benlena (SHIPPING NAME!!!!!) I had to cut it off because well, he's engaged so I felt really awkward.

I LOVIES YOU ALL! And you should know I have about the same amount of common sense as someone who tried throughin a brick at a wall to see if it would bounce off (Hint: it doesn't work).

Anyhoodles, this has become something out of hand and should end so here:

THE END (of my rant)

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