Chapter 2

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Rias Germory was currently at a church talking among some fallen angels. Her pawn, knight and took were fighting inside the church to bring at friend that Issei Hyuodou befriended. Their mission was to retrieve Asia Argento and kill some fallen angels, however, as Issei reached Asia is was too late, Raynare was the one to take her twilight healing power.

"Just as I was ready to call it a night." Naruto said.

"Uzumaki-san?" Rias asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I was on my way home but I sensed negative energy from this church." Naruto said. "Care to explain?"

"Well, my newly servent Issei met a nun who is currently at this church basement." Rias explained.

"Now you fallen angels explain yourselves." Naruto ordered.

"Like we'll tell you." A blonde hair girl said.

Naruto did a little cutting motion with his hands, both girls paled knowing what that meant. The blonde told Naruto everything about their plan to take away Asia's Twilight Healing sacred gear that Raynare and Dohnaseek wanted.

"I just Raynare didn't get the memo." Naruto said. "You two can leave but Naseek-teme stay here."

Both the fallen angels felt not wanting find out what would happen to them if they stayed.

"Oi, Kurama what do you think we should do?" Naruto asked the mighty kyubi biju.

"Take those pathetic wings from him." Kurama said.

"I tend to." Naruto smirked.


In the basement of the church; Issei Hyoudou was fighting his way towards Aisa to save her from Raynare's evil plan but in the process Asia died once her twilight healing sacred gear was stripped from her body.

Raynare was filled with joy that she got this unique gear now she could have her wings back and get revenge on that spiky hair whiskered punk.

"Finally I have the Twilight Healing power." Raynare announced.

With rage Issei charged at her with impressive speeds knocked her out the air with one punch.

"You idiot you lost its over how about I end you pathetic life." Raynare said with a light spear.

Getting hit with a light spear to the thigh was horrible considering that he was now a devil it was a thousand times worse. She throw another spear at Issei, it pierced his other thigh. Upon wishing for more power from the legendary Satan himself, Issei grabbed ahold on both spears and threw them at Raynare you dodge them effortlessly.

What Raynare failed to realised was Issei threw them for a diversion he puched her in the face sending her towards the door to the basement. Burtsing out the door Raynare coughed up blood.

"Where did this perverted fucker get this strong?" Raynare questioned to herself.

"Alright Issei calm down." Naruto said.

Hearing his voice made Raynare freeze in place. That voice was scary it was a mixture of kind and gentle to bloodthirsty and cruelness.

"Ah, Ray-chan what brings you here?" Naruto asked.

"U-u-uh n-n-n-nothing." Raynare stuttered.

"Two little birdies told me about you plan." Naruto said smugly. "Care to explain?"

"Naruto-senpai?!" Issei questioned. "Why are you here?"

Taking a quote out of his old sensei's book Naruto reply with:

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