Chapter 20

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Namikaze Menma was running away from both Seryu and Kurome as he pranked the two. Run and Wave sighed as they watched both girls try and injure the black haired boy. Bols was watching also as the scene reminded him of his daughter and wife, minus the prank of course.

"It seems lively that Menma-kun here." Bols said.

"What do you mean?" Wave asked.

"At the beginning of forming the Jaegers it seemed as if we were dull beings with work on our minds." Bols explained. "Having both Maelstrom and Menma here brightens up this place."

"I kinda follow you, they bring the good out of us." Run said.

"Get back here you little pervert!!" Kurome yelled.

"You're dead meat twerp!" Seryu shouted.


Naruto was walking around the palace as he was thinking about how to get Esdeath to see the evil within the capital and in Honest. So in thought Naruto didn't notice a figure he bumped into, said person grabbed his shoulder to stop the blonde.

"Where do you think your going?" The person asked.

"I'm sorry I was so in thought I didn't realize." Naruto apologize.

Fully turning around Naruto looked at the man as a noticeable scar on his face resembling an X shaped scar. Esdeath told him about the prime minister's son, how he does horrific deeds that only she knew.

"So Es-chan does has a compassionate side to her." Naruto thought. "So your Syura?"

"Indeed I am, and your Esdeath's boyfriend." Syura said. "Maelstrom right."

Naruto nodded.

"It was a pleasure to meet the man the head General is dating." Syura said.

"Likewise." Naruto said.


Hinata, Ryu-Hari and Sasuke finished their mission.  Kyoko gave the whereabouts of the King of Night, and Eucliwood asked for them to bring him to her. Hinata had knocked The K.O.N out with her gentle fist, tying him up They brought him to Eu. They learned at K.O.N wanted to die because he was tried of living as he watched as his loved ones died in his eyes. He had Kyoko to kill people just to gave the attention for Eu to look for him, but failed. Eu killed him and was about to kill Kyoko but her boss said not to. Haruna greeted her boss as she looked at Kyoko, they talked for a while to discuss the situation. Kyoko would be redeemed her actions in rehabilitation from the boss herself.

Seraphim and Sarasvati joined Sasuke as they found themselves intrigued with him much to the Uchiha dislike but no matter how he tried they will come back so he just dealt with it. Hinata headed to her home because she was still weary of the Uchiha. Hopefully Naruto was back so she could tell him, arriving at her door hinata unlocked the lock and open up the door. Katsuragi ran up to Hinata and hugged her, Hinata hugged her back.

"Is Naruto~kun here?" Hinata asked.

"No he's not back so is Asuka, Homura, and Xeulan ." Ikaruga said.

"Some man came by looking for Naruto-sama." Palutena said.

"Did you catch his name?" Hinata asked.

"He said his name was Asura Ōtsutsuki I think." Venus said.


Naruto sighed as tomorrow was the day he needed to kill the prime minister and his son. He had gotten intel on the minister given by Night Raid, during that time the Jaegers attacked Night Raid ending with the Jaegers lost of Seryu, Doctor Stylish and Bols with Night Raid they lost Chelsea and Susanoo. Esdeath wanted to go to war with them but Naruto stopped her. Before Naruto told them his true self he had to do something first.

"Kurome come here." Naruto said. "You told me that the capital supplies you with drugs to keep you alive correct?"

Kurome nodded slowly.

"What I'm about to do is going to cure you situation." Naruto said.

Extending his right arm out, Naruto pressed his hand on Kurome's chest and a light began to surround her entire body. Looking at him Kurome blinked blankly as he let go, raising an eyebrow she stared at him.

"I cured your sickness and now you don't have to take the pills." Naruto said.

"I don't believe you no one can do what you just said." Kurome said.

Raising his right hand, Naruto showed her his yang seal.

"This on my hand is the yang seal it can cure any disease, heal life threatening wounds and seal away anything and anyone." Naruto explained. "Now since we're all here I want to show you something."

Naruto told them to close their eyes, quickly using his right arm engulfed with his Senju chakra and shoved his fist to grabbed the evil with them; Kurome and Wave little to no evil in them and as for Esdeath and Run they had a neutral evil within them. Naruto told them to open their eyes and told them the prime minister plan to destroy the empire. So they now know the true evil that was the prime minister, for tomorrow things are gonna be hell.

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