Kokabiel Arc pt 1

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Naruto, Xeulan, Homura and Asuka along with Menma got back to the Uzumaki-Hyūga estate around two-thirty in the morning, that mini war that happened between the Capital and Night Raid was intense for the chunin girls they have experienced fighting foes formidable but nun as deadly as the Wild Hunt nor The Jaegers. Naruto had killed Onest but with price of losing Lubbock, Mine, and Leone leaving Najenda, Tatsumi and Akame alive as for the Jaegers they died because Onest's son Suyra backstabbed them. Asuka, Xeulan and Homura were a little shaken up they had lost new comrades they just met die at the hands of evil people. Naruto had cut Onest's head off and sealed it in a scroll to give Azazel.

Wanting a nice hot shower and have a little nap but was fruitless as came and told him about a man that cane to the estate. Palutena told Naruto his name was Asura Ōtsutsuki and was looking for him, Naruto thought that Asura died along time ago. Pondering on how the son of the sage of six paths was here made Naruto wonder what is up, remembering what Gramps sage told him in his mindscape that he could talk with Asura by something.

"Did he say anything else?" Naruto asked.

"No he didn't what was all." Ibuki said.

"Alright I'm going to contact him tonight to figure this out." Naruto said.

"How?" Katsuragi asked.

"I have my ways." Naruto reassured.

Later that night Naruto did that thing six sage Gramps told him about to summon Asura chakra. About a couple minutes the demigod appeared and greeted Naruto.

"Hello, Naruto-kun how are you?" Asura asked.

"I'm fine but let's get down to business." Naruto stated plainly.

Sighing a bit Asura began his story that Kaguya is slowly regaining her strength to finish her fight with him and Sasuke. Kaguya need to feed on chakra so she started to take control of the yōkai race to replenish her strength, and a group of people allied themselves with her.

"I think the groups name was called the Khaos Brigade and the leader name is Ophis." Asura said.

"So I'm gonna have to visit Azazel and Sasuke." Naruto said.

"Naruto I know you're aware of this." Asura said. "Please watch your girlfriend somehow when fighting Kaguya, Hinata gain some of her power and each day that power grows."

Naruto stayed silent fully aware of his girlfriend's situation, he didn't know how much chakra Hinata absorbed from Kaguya and don't know how it'll affect her. Things were coming troublesome with each passing minute, Naruto sat there for a few hours thinking over these two situations and how he could do about this. Asura left to where he's going to let Naruto think, wondering how things get any worse there was a knock on the door getting up to go to the front door to open it, however Burnett answered it. At the door were two teenage girl about 15-17, one with chestnut colored hair tied into twin pigtails wearing a cloak and next to her was a blue haired girl with strands of green wearing the same cloak.

"We came here to talk with Uzumaki-san and Hyuga-san." The chestnut girl said.

"Take us to them." The other girl said rudely.

"Naruto-senpai, Hinata-san someone's at the door!" Burnett said.

Sitting on the couch the two girls from the door sat waiting for Naruto and Hinata to come, Hinata came and sat down with Naruto following.

"Hello Uzumaki-san and Hyuga-san." The chestnut girl said. "I'm Irina Shidou and my friend Xenovia Quarta."

"Hello." Xenovia said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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