Chapter 17

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Naruto was sitting on a bench waiting for Esdeath as he arrived early. Thinking about his plan took take down them Empire with Honest in it, Naruto would try and convince Esdeath to join the light and see this darkness with her open eyes instead of those dark ones. Najenda told Naruto about how she created the Jaggers that rivaled Night Raid, she told him to be careful and don't let his guard down around the members of Jaggers. Esdeath arrived shortly after that and she was wearing a blue shirt (showing much cleavage) with black jeans that looked tight and white high heels. Esdeath looked stunning, Naruto couldn't keep his eyes off of her making Esdeath blush.

"Wow Es-chan you look so beautiful." Naruto said.

"Thank you Mael-kun you look handsome." Esdeath said with a blush.

Standing up Naruto wrapped his arm around Esdeath's as they walked and talked about their live goals and other stuff. Aware they where being watched Naruto sensed their negative emotions and played it off to enjoy the afternoon with his Es-chan.

"Where do you want to go my sweetheart?" Naruto asked.

"I'm not sure." Esdeath said. "How about shopping for clothes."

"Sounds fun lets go." Naruto said.


The members of the Jaegers watched as their captain went with someone they never seem. It must be that Maelstrom guy Esdeath was talking about yesterday, she'd seemed happy with him.

"Maybe we should leave them be." Wave said.

"No I want to see what this guy after, it could be a trap by Night Raid." Seryu said.

"You're being ridiculous I doubt that." Wave deadpanned.

"I wonder if he's the one for Esdeath?" Bols asked out loud.

"Hold didn't you feel that aura from him?" Run asked.

"Indeed I have he possesses a demigod amount of aura in him I want to dissect him." Dr. Stylish said.

"You guys are lame." Kurome said.


Ayumu Aikawa walked into his home to find a few people he never seem in his life before sitting down talking with his "suppose roommates", there were two beautiful girls and one guy that seemed pissed.

"Umm who are these people?" Ayumu asked.

"They're here to assassinate that serial killer that killed you." Haruna said.

"Welcome back you piece of shit." Seraphim said sarcastically.

"Thanks queen of sarcasm." Ayumu said.

Eucliwood wrote something down on her notebook and showed it to him.

This Hinata Hyuga, Ryu-Hari and Sasuke Uchiha they're here to help.

"Oh alright then I guess." Ayumu said.

Sasuke headed out the door because he wasn't a people person so leaving was his only option, maybe training can take his mind out off something that was bothering him. Hari looked at him with concern something was wrong with him she could tell, Seraphim also notice the Uchiha behavior and watched him leave. Both girls were curious to see what the teen was up to following outside the two soon to be love rivals watched their love train a bit.

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