Cont'd of Taylor Caniff Imagine (Part 4)

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its actually sad how bad this chapter is omf im gonna loose so many readers IM SORRY PLEASE JUST SKIM THROUGH IT QUICKLY

"Honestly Y/N that is really weird" Shawn said

"I know Shawn. I don't know what this means. I'm not a very spiritual person so this can't involve God, nor can it involve the devil because one without the other is an impossible paradox." I then bit my nail and stare at Shawn

"What if this goes beyond God and the devil. What if it is just a force? A different type of force that does not apply to either category?"

"What if it is just a coincidence?" I question Shawn

Shawn laughs, "You say that she knew your name?"

"She could get that from anywhere, like come on Shawn, she probably overheard it somewhere."

"Well why don't you try to find her? I think you're making things complicated." Shawn was right. Why dont I try to find her?

"It would be very comforting if you helped me find her."

"Maybe she wants to meet with you alone?" 

"I rather not risk my safety and meet with her alone. C'mon Shawn pleeeease" I was begging him at this point.

"Okay fine"


This isn't supposed to be happening. You're not supposed to be able to logically think while you are diagnosed with a coma. Infact, my heart shouldn't even be beating right now. I should be dead. I fell off a balcony for goodness sakes and a 170 pound asshole used me as a cushion to break his fall. My skull should be shattered. And why am I remembering everything now. What in the world was I injected with when they rushed me to the emergency branch of the hospital. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a different hospital room. I got up and for some reason I didn't feel weak at all. The cuts on my body were slowly but surely healing. But they were healing infront of my eyes. I could physically see the skin mending itself together again. I decided to take a seat on my hospital bed. Things are moving way to fast for me.There was a night table beside me. I opened the first drawer and saw a bible in it. It had a bookmark in it. I opened it to the page with the bookmark and Proverbs 7:23 was highlighted,

Till an arrow pierces its liver; as a bird rushes into a snare; he does not know that it will cost him his life. 

Since I have quite alot of time on my hands, I call my nurse for a pencil and a paper so I can try to write out the meaning of this scripture, try out some research for once. I push the small black button that reads, assistance. Within 5 seconds my nurse is in the room. The first thing I notice is her astonishing beauty.

"My name is Aditi and I am your nurse, how may I help you?" she flashed a beautiful smile and talks in a beautiful tone. I am mezmorized by her voice that I barely realize she asked me a question.

"I-I need a pen and paper-please"

"Of course, one moment" Aditi turns around to the white drawer and pulls out a pen and paper.

"Oh, if I knew it was right there, I would have gotten it myself, sorry"

"Don't worry, it is my job to fulfill any patients request" She notices the bible to my side and the highlighted scripture. "May I take a look?"

"Yes of course" I hand her the bible and she analyzes the words. "You must be cautious with your actions Taylor, you may think of yourself as superior, but unti you are encountered by your enemy, you truly do not know any of your weaknesses. This is what the scripture is telling you."

Suddenly everything dims down and Aditi is no longer there, instead, it is me, yes me, I see another me staring at me, right across from me, and I have never been more afraid in my life.

This duplicate of me stands up.

"What would you do if you were put in a situation that involves you getting killed? Would you freely take it? Or would you take precautions?" This duplicate says to me

I can't even respond. For some reason I am so afraid at the sight of myself.

"Knowing you, you'd freely take the situation, thinking that you are superior than any other force out there. But that is where your ego gets in the way, Taylor."

Hallucination. That is what is happening right now. I have been injected with drugs to calm my system of the effects of the my blood loss and O2 loss.

None of this is really happening. I walk up to my duplicate. 

"I have nothing to be afraid of. If you want to challenge my strength, do as you must" I say in a challenging tone.

The walls of the hospital room fall down and I am in a field filled with dead grass and a black sky.

I am surrounded by doctors running around and documents flying in the air. I hear doctors yelling, "HE NEEDS MORE BLOOD" "HIS RESPIRATORY SYSTEM IS FAILING" "MOVE FAST"

It was then that I realize that this hallucination is my final moments before my definite death. This hallucination is where I need to stay intact and use all my strength to keep grounded and keep my physical body alive. The first thing I need to do is get back to a place of reality. I need to be in a hospital bed or my room or something. I cant think of an unrealistic situation.

I sit down on the dead grass. I close my eyes and start pulling out grass with my palms. I think about the cactus that was in my hospital room. I open my eyes and I see an image of a cactus 5 feet away from me. I pick up the cactus and focus all my energy on the window sill. The window sill appears and I sit near it. I repeat these steps with the rest of my hospital room, including my bed and oxygen tanks. The hardest part is thinking about the atmosphere of the hospital room. Recreating such a thing is almost impossible. 

Then it hits me. How can I be so oblivious. The same air I am breathing now, is the same air that I  was breathing in the hospital room, or the air that I'm breathing when I go to magcon. 

I sit on the grass and cross my legs. I start to meditate. To allow the atmosphere to surround me. Soon enough, I am back in the hospital room. Since I am aware of the fact that my physical body almost came close to death, I know that there is something wrong in the process that I just completed, because death is supposed to be unexpected, for the most part.

In that moment, I realized that I was dealing with forces that were outside of my control.

I'm going to start writing small chapters daily so you guys can stay interested in this:) and thankyou to all the people that are reading this, it means alot<3

Taylor Caniff ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now