Taylor Caniff Imagine Part 15

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I put a song that I think would go with the chapter.
Sorry that its short, its kind of a filler

Its been a month and 26 days since that last visit to Taylors hospital room. A month and 26 days of being deprived of happiness. A month and 26 days down the drain.
Sitting in my room, by myself, had to be one of the loneliest things I could do. What made it even worse, was the fact that I had really high expectations for summer. But here it is, one week till school starts, and not a single good day or call from Taylor.
Time really doesn't wait for anybody, and I fully understand that now. You just need to go with the flow of things and hope you don't stumble over an obstacle and fall far behind from everybody else. This mentality will leave you with a standard life. You'll wake up every morning, drink coffee, give your kids a kiss on their head, go to work, come home at 6, eat, put your kids to bed, and then watch some TV and be miserable. But I don't want to live like that. The flow of things never has and never will work for me, and that is why I'm having a hard time getting over Taylor, because he was my own personal flow of things. Everything I did would include him. 
But yet, here I am, lonely in my room, without him. 


"Its time," Shawn said to me while we both sat at my kitchen table, surrounding the phone.
"But what if she doesn't want to talk to me, its been over a month and I haven't communicated with her at all," I mentally sighed at the thought of this, "shes probably found someone else, and shes probably really happy too," I forced a smile but I could tell I looked like a sad puppy.
"Taylor, shut up, and call her. It doesn't hurt to try," Shawn said.
I narrowed my eyebrows, reminding him of what happened with Austin a month back. My goodness, that felt so long ago, much has changed since then.
Shawn laughed, "Okay okay, lets just hope it doesn't hurt, and I'm not leaving till you call her, trust me, I can be one annoying asshole."
I gave in, not because Shawn basically threatened me, but because I really have to talk to her. I need to hear her laugh and her change of tone in voice when she smiles. I picked up the phone and dialed those 9 numbers that would connect me to her and completely change my life.

Taylor Caniff ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now