Taylor Caniff Imagine Part 20

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Luna and I sat infront of my locker and ate lunch, we hated eating in the cafeteria, it was always so crowded and gross.
"Somethings bothering you," Luna said out of the blue, and she was completely right, something was bothering me.
I hesitated to give her an answer.
"Come on, spill it," she said as she nudged me.
"Okay, well me and Taylor got into a fight last night and then he left and it was like 12am and he hasn't texted me or called me and I haven't seen him today and I'm really worried," I said within 3 seconds while using one breathe of air.
"Well, crap Y/N, have you tried contacting his parents?"
"No because I don't want to get them worried," I said.
"Y/N, if their child is missing then they should be worried out of their mind," Luna replied bluntly.
"Luna, hes definitely not missing, hes probably sleeping at Nicks(taylors friend) house or something," I said as worry started to cross my face.
"I wouldn't bet on that. I would go to his house ASAP and ask his mom where he is," Luna shrugged her shoulders.
"Thats true," I said as I bit into my sandwich, "after school can you drive me to his place?"
"Yea, meet me at my locker and do not be late," Luna gave me a threatening stare.
"I won't, trust me," I replied just as the bell for the end of lunch rang.
Luna and I got up and put our books in our bags. Luna and I headed separate ways to our classes, but at the end of the hallway she yelled, "DON'T BE LATE,"
"I WON'T," I yelled back.
I continued to walk down the hallway and stare at my nails while doing so. Walking confidently was never a characteristic that I possessed. 
I made it to math class and took my seat beside Ali(classmate). I opened my bag and placed my math books on the desk.
"Do you know if the lesson we're learning today is gonna be hard?" I asked Ali.
Ali laughed, "we have a supply, we're not learning anything today!"
Crap. Today was the day where all the teachers had to go to the school-board after lunch for a meeting, so that means that I'll have a supply the rest of the day and won't be learning anything.
"Ali, can you do me a favour?" I asked her with desperate eyes.
"Anything," she smiled at me.
"I want to try to make a quick exit without the teacher knowing, I have something really important to do and since I won't be doing anything for the rest of the day I might as well get it done now,"
"Sure of course," Ali flashed me another smile.
"Thankyou sosososo much," I thanked and praised her.
I packed up my bag again and watched as Ali walked to the teachers desk.
"Sir, can you explain to me why you can't square root a negative number?" Ali asked the teacher.
"Ill try but its kind of a complicated concept," said the teacher. He walked up to the board and started writing on it, giving his full attention to Ali. Ali looked back at me and nodded her head towards the door.
Before I ran out I mouthed the word, thankyou, again.
I spedwalk down the hallway and texted Luna,
Supplies for the rest of the day
Find a way to cut class so we can go to Taylors house.
Not even ten seconds later Luna texted me back,
I'm way ahead of you,
I'm waiting in my car in the parking lot, hurry up.
I locked my phone and ran out of the front doors of the school, towards the parking lot. I didn't even see Lunas car, but I heard it. She was blasting Paradise City by Guns n Roses. I finally spotted the place from where the loud music was coming from and ran towards it.
"CAN YOU TURN DOWN THE VOLUME," I yelled over the music. I opened the passenger door and sat inside the shit-box-on-wheels.
"NOPE," Luna yelled back and put her sunglasses on.
I leaned back and closed my eyes. I wonder what Taylor is doing right now.

Before I knew it, we were at Taylors house.
"What the hell happened, we're already here?" I asked genuinely confused.
"Ya, you put your head back and fell asleep instantly, man Y/N you're getting old," Luna said.
"Ha-ha very funny Luna," I said in a sarcastic tone. I sat still in the car.
"Well, are you going to go knock on the door?" Luna questioned.
I then realized that I've been staring at Taylors garage door for a good 10 minutes.
"What-? Yea I'm going in, that nap kind of messed me up," I yawned and flipped my hair. I got out of the car and made my way to the front door. I rang the doorbell and waited
No answer. I rang it again.
A few minutes later Taylors mom came to the door.
"Oh hi Y/N, what a pleasure to see you," Mama Caniff smiled.
"Hi, Mrs. Caniff, I was just wondering, do you have any idea as to where Taylor is?" I said nervously.
Mrs. Caniff narrowed her eyes, "I thought he was with you?"
"No, last night we were at the soccer field behind my house and we got into a small fight and he left. He hasn't texted or called me since and he wasn't at school today. I thought maybe he was mad and didn't want to talk to me" I said worriedly.
Mrs.Caniff covered her mouth with her hand and gasped. "My goodness I need to contact the police!" She ran back in the house.
"Wait, so you're telling me that you haven't seen him at all? That he seriously didn't come home last night !?" I yelled.
"No Y/N, I thought he was sleeping at your house!" Mrs.Caniff said with a cherry red face. Tears were pouring out of her eyes.
"Oh my God," I said and I felt my knees get weak. This couldn't be happening, he couldn't be missing, not Taylor, not my Taylor. I leaned on the counter for support.
Mrs.Caniff picked up the phone and dialed 911. She put it on speaker.
"911 whats your emergency?"
"I need to report a missing boy."

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